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How can I get a Job at Disneyland?

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

So you’re ready to become a cast member (employee) at Disneyland. Your first stop in getting a job at Disneyland should be looking for one. The first place to look is at the Disney website for available jobs. They also post new jobs quite regularly, so keep checking if you find no current jobs that will work for you. You can apply online for these jobs by pasting your resume and answering questions. You must be at least 17, and show proof of ability to work in the US.

Jobs will vary and some require a college education or certification. Disneyland looks for registered nurses to fill their onsite emergency clinic if a guest gets injured, those with bachelor’s degrees or equivalent experience in business to run their retail stores, and certified cosmetologists who help to put together costumed employees. Engineers and electricians are often needed and welcome, as are maintenance engineers, experts in human resources, people with food industry experience and those with restaurant management skills. In addition, Disneyland has large offices that are filled with employees with secretarial and computer skills.

Most job applicants will need to submit a resume to be considered for a position.
Most job applicants will need to submit a resume to be considered for a position.

As well as looking at experience, Disneyland also looks for a specific type of person. One cannot get a job at Disneyland if one has visible tattoos, hair dyed in unnatural colors or multiple piercings. Hair has to be clean cut, for men, above the ears. Men cannot have pierced ears. For women, hair must be styled well, in a classic and simple cut. Disneyland does judge on appearances and looks for simplicity.

Enthusiasm and a nice smile will go a long way in helping a person get a job at Disneyland.
Enthusiasm and a nice smile will go a long way in helping a person get a job at Disneyland.

Interviews should be attended for cast member jobs in either business attire, or clean, blank slate clothing, like a white dress shirt and black pants, or a black skirt for women. Shoes should be simple dress shoes or docksiders for men in more casual clothes. Women should not wear opened toed shoes, and should wear nylons or tights if they wear skirts.

A person cannot get a job at Disneyland if she has visible piercings.
A person cannot get a job at Disneyland if she has visible piercings.

Any interviews for professional or business jobs should definitely be attended in business attire. Women applying for any Disneyland job should probably wear a small amount of makeup, but no excessive makeup like eye shadow or eyeliner. Simple foundation in a light coat, a slightly tinted lip gloss and mascara may be the best choices. Disneyland interviewers need to see you as fitting in at one of their parks or hotels, so the interview is not the time to express your punk rock personality. Think dress standards of the 1950s for young men and women, instead of the more relaxed standards of today.

Business attire should be worn to a Disneyland interview.
Business attire should be worn to a Disneyland interview.

If you get called to an interview you must be able to emphasize that you can work under pressure, are extremely flexible as to hours worked, and have a charming and effusive personality. Disneyland wants all cast members to be cheerful and helpful so that guests to the park have an overwhelming sense of being well served by employees. Enthusiasm, a nice smile and some experience in the field for which you are applying are helpful.

Electrician jobs are often available at Disneyland.
Electrician jobs are often available at Disneyland.

Unless you’re applying for a professional level job, you really must expect to work at any time, and virtually all holidays. Only employees of Disneyland with significant job seniority get to take the major holidays off. If you can’t work amusement park hours cheerfully, then Disneyland will not consider you. Thus you should really question whether you want to work a varied schedule, and have a life that will allow a very flexible work schedule.

Some Disneyland hotels have a wet bar for adult guests.
Some Disneyland hotels have a wet bar for adult guests.

For college students there are a number of Disneyland internships that might be attractive. Some employ college students to work over the summer in cast member and service industry jobs. Others offer a chance to gain experience in a field in which you hold interest. Jobs that offer experience in engineering or other professional fields may have heavy competition. Good grades and references can frequently help secure these positions.

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent WiseGEEK contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.

Tricia Christensen
Tricia Christensen

Tricia has a Literature degree from Sonoma State University and has been a frequent WiseGEEK contributor for many years. She is especially passionate about reading and writing, although her other interests include medicine, art, film, history, politics, ethics, and religion. Tricia lives in Northern California and is currently working on her first novel.

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Discussion Comments


You can get a job by looking online. I'm just 13 but I really want to work there, and if you want to be a character, well sometimes there's an audition for any characters as long as you copy the character's voice and of course the face.

You can have the job, and if you have trouble having money to get to the USA, first apply for a job that you can really carry then if you have enough money then go onward to your next adventure.


I am from morocco and i really want to work in disneyland. how can i get a job there, please?


Usually when you have an audition it's for a parade and to be a character, you have to audition for it. i was a character, it's work.


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I looked at their website. I want to apply as a Entertainment Host, but it says to audition, what do I audition for? An actor? A cast member? Or, do I even audition for that position?


I have job interview with disney in four days for the specialty stores and I'm nervous about the whole thing because I'm 34 weeks pregnant!

I'm really hoping they hire me because after I have this baby I'm going to be in need of a job ASAP! Wish me luck!


How do I apply for a job as a disney character?

like minnie or daisy?


I just want to go to disneyland as soon as possible and want to work there. that's it.


It's my dream to work at Disneyland. I am a Master of Computer Applications graduate (master degree)

I am from India. From my childhood I have dreamed to work in Disneyland.


Greetings! I am inquiring if there are any engineering career opportunities at Disney (specifically Disneyland.)

I have always dreamed about working for Disney and hope to get a chance to fulfill my dream. I have already worked in the engineering field in a highly technical industry.

I currently live in NY and plan to move out to California within 12-18 months. Paul D


hi am interested in working at disneyland but i want to know how i go about doing that. i am living in jamaica.


What are the requirements?


hello...i'm from malaysia and very interested in getting a job at disneyland. so, the question is, can i work there or does disneyland only need people from their country?


When is the best time to contact them? I finished my interview and passed it. But, all the positions they offered me are full at this moment.


How can I get a job as a Disney character?

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