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How can I Make my Commute Less Boring?

Josie Myers
Josie Myers

There are plenty of ways to stayed entertained during a long commute. For those using trains, planes, buses or other public transportation, the possibilities are more plentiful. Those who are driving should take care not to put themselves or other drivers in danger for the sake of preventing boredom.

A public transportation commute is open to many possibilities. Reading books is great way to keep a commute from getting boring. Computer reading systems can cut down on the bulk that books can create. Puzzle books like crossword puzzles or seek and finds can keep the brain active and alert. With countless cell phone and handheld games, anyone can keep busy for hours.

Handheld MP3 players can be loaded with audio books and played during commutes.
Handheld MP3 players can be loaded with audio books and played during commutes.

Any activity that is quiet and does not disturb other commuters is perfectly acceptable. Avoid playing loud music through headphones or talking loudly on the phone as this can annoy others on the train. For commuters who want to catch a few minutes of sleep on the train, they should be sure their belonging are in a secure position to avoid theft.

It can be a bit more challenging to find ways to make a long commute less boring when the commuter is the driver. Many people choose to talk on their cell phones, but this is not the safest option and is not recommended. Many states have laws against talking on the phone while driving, or at least require the use of a hands-free set. Text messaging is in most cases a worse prospect as the driver's eyes must leave the road to type the letters. Safety is always the number one priority during a commute.

Completing crossword puzzles while commuting via public transportation helps pass the time.
Completing crossword puzzles while commuting via public transportation helps pass the time.

A better option for entertainment is to listen to an audio book. Purchasing these books can sometimes be pricey, especially if the listener is burning through one or two a week. The good thing is that they are usually available at local libraries for free. Many libraries even have the capability to allow members to download audio books in MP3 format so that they can be played through MP3 players or burned onto compact disks.

Commuting drivers may enjoy listening to audio books.
Commuting drivers may enjoy listening to audio books.

In these days of hyper-technology, it is even possible to take a college course during a commute. Companies like The Learning Company, LLC offer courses in history, business, science, religion, and others that students can listen to through a CD player or MP3 player. There is always the old standby of learning a language as well. Bookstores have a wide array of languages available that involve listening to an audio recording.

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Discussion Comments


I used to have a long commute by myself, but then I decided to commute by carpool. I think it's a good way to avoid boredom, because my co-workers are usually pretty interesting and enjoy talking on the way to work. Sometimes we discuss work-related problems so we're better prepared when we finally get to the office.

I think with all of these new devices like smart phones and tablets, more people have enough things to keep them occupied during a subway or bus commute. About all I could do was read a book or listen to my Walkman when I was younger.


I have to commute for an hour each way for my job. One thing I learned to do is changed the route I take from day to day. If I don't see the same landmarks every day, I don't get nearly as bored with the long drive. Sometimes I'll leave early so I can visit different places along the way, like a good donut shop or restaurant for breakfast.

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