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How Do I Become a Car Sales Executive?

Lori Kilchermann
Lori Kilchermann

If you would like to become a car sales executive, you must first become employed by an automobile dealer. You will want to hone your sales skills and customer rapport abilities to become an outstanding car salesman. Typically, the dealership owner will choose all upper management from the most successful salespeople on the dealership floor. It is also a good idea to dress professionally if you would like to become a car sales executive. One of the most important skills for a sales executive to possess is the ability to close a deal, so refining your closing abilities is a plus.

The act of selling a car must be refined and polished to develop a method that works consistently. The most difficult component of the car sale is asking the potential buyer for the firm commitment to buy. With many new or inexperienced sales staff, this is a task that must be completed by a sales manager. There are several tried-and-true methods of closing a sale that must be learned and understood if you wish to become a car sales executive. Assisting new salespeople is one of the most important duties of the upper management team.

A car sales executive must have excellent customer service skills.
A car sales executive must have excellent customer service skills.

Other skills that you must develop as you aspire to become a car sales executive are advertising- and finance-related. Knowing which interest rates are available as well as which models of vehicle might qualify for specific financing discounts are a necessary component of a sales manager's job. For this reason, it is very important for you to become well-versed in all the different models, option packages and performance levels that are offered on each vehicle in the dealership's lineup before you become a car sales executive.

Having a general knowledge of cars is important to become a car sales executive.
Having a general knowledge of cars is important to become a car sales executive.

Once you become a car sales executive, you will be required to create work schedules for the sales team, oversee the sales department, service department and the finance department, although the dealership owner is the ultimate finance supervisor. You will have the best opportunity to become a car sales executive by remaining with a single dealership, even in difficult financial times. Most dealerships reward faithful service with promotion, providing the employee is worthy and capable of fulfilling the duties of the promoted position. Little extras such as keeping the lot clean, rearranging lot inventory once a car has been sold and remaining upbeat and positive are good ways of being noticed by your superiors and can make the difference at promotion time.

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