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How do I Become a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™?

Donn Saylor
Donn Saylor

To become a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ (CDFA™), you must possess an innate desire to help divorcing couples in the midst of financial worries, thoroughly study the appropriate materials, and pass a series of tests in order to attain certification from the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™. Couples going through a divorce often require the help of a qualified professional to help them divide their assets, learn how to make financial decisions as newly single individuals, and identify sensible options when it comes to financial planning. A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ undergoes highly specialized training to ensure he or she can provide the utmost level of service to divorcing couples.

The first step to become a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ requires you to have the requisite desire to help people, as well as sensitivity to couples in potentially volatile emotional states. While some couples divorce amicably, many do not, especially in cases where large amounts of money and assets are concerned. It is the job of the CDFA™ to guarantee the financial end of the process moves along as smoothly as possible. This requires you to have great skill in working with people, identifying their needs, and maintaining neutrality among the two opposing sides of the divorce battle. First and foremost, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ serves as a counselor — of the financial variety — for a couple going their separate ways.

A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst may help settle financial disagreements between feuding partners.
A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst may help settle financial disagreements between feuding partners.

The next step to become a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ is to study all of the materials produced by the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™. During this phase, you will learn about the various aspects of financial mediation for divorcing couples. Areas of study include tax information, figuring out child support and alimony settlements and payments, how to appropriately split money and assets, and how to best plan for the future. The study materials are highly detailed and require a large amount of concentration and study.

Couples going through a divorce may require the assistance of a qualified professional in order to divide assets.
Couples going through a divorce may require the assistance of a qualified professional in order to divide assets.

Finally, you will need to pass a series of tests in order to become a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™. There are testing centers in various locations that allow aspiring CDFAs™ to sit for their exams. There are four phases of testing, and each phase must be successfully passed before the individual can go on to the next test. After testing is complete, the fourth and final test forms are submitted to the Institute for Divorce Financial Analysts™ for scoring. If you pass this final phase, you will be a fully licensed Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™.

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