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How do I Become a Jet Mechanic?

Carol Francois
Carol Francois

There are four steps required to become a jet mechanic: post-secondary training, related work experience, applying for a job, and completing the job interview process. A jet mechanic works for an airport, airline company, or private airfield. This position is responsible for the maintenance and repair of jets and airplanes. Within this field, some mechanics specialize, focusing on either large airliners or small jets. However, it is best to be qualified to work on both, as this allows the greatest flexibility.

People who are mechanically inclined, skilled at working with tools, and have excellent hand-to-eye coordination find the greatest enjoyment in this role. While this career has traditionally been male-dominated, an increasing number of woman are training to become a jet mechanic. Despite the image portrayed in the media, skilled mechanics are quick to recognize and welcome a skilled colleague, and very few woman report experiencing any type of discriminatory behavior.

To attain a Airframe and Powerplant rating from the FAA, jet engine mechanics must become familiar with all types of jet engines, including turboprops.
To attain a Airframe and Powerplant rating from the FAA, jet engine mechanics must become familiar with all types of jet engines, including turboprops.

The first requirement to become a jet mechanic is to complete a post-secondary education program. This program is available from a limited number of community and career colleges. These schools are typically located in large cities, where there is access to airfields, airports, and jet repair facilities. In the United States, many people who want to become a jet mechanic join the Air Force. This arm of the military has a large number of jets and is one of the larger employers of jet mechanics.

Jet mechanics who work for commercial airlines must be familiar with maintaining large turbofan jet engines, such as those used on the Boeing 747.
Jet mechanics who work for commercial airlines must be familiar with maintaining large turbofan jet engines, such as those used on the Boeing 747.

Related work experience is obtained through on-the-job training as part of the jet mechanic training program. Although other mechanics can complete their training through an apprenticeship, this is not the case for jet mechanics. During a job placement program, candidates have an opportunity to practice skills learned in the classroom and gain experience and references.

Jet mechanics must be familiar with all types of jet engines, including turbofans.
Jet mechanics must be familiar with all types of jet engines, including turbofans.

When applying for a job as a jet mechanic, be sure to proofread your resume and cover letter, double-checking for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Make sure to include a copy of your certification. This is a government issued license to work as a jet mechanic and is required.

During the job interview process, take the time to prepare for the interview. Think of a list of standard interview questions and prepare your answers in advance. Some employers will have a short test of your mechanical skills as part of the interview process. Take your time and focus on fixing the problem at hand.

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