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How Do I Become a Law Firm Receptionist?

C. Webb
C. Webb

As a law firm receptionist, you are usually the first person clients see or hear when they contact a law office. Stationed at the front desk, you will be the face of the company. In addition to answering phones and greeting clients, you may be called on to assist with administrative duties such as composing written correspondence. To become a law firm receptionist, you should gain a basic understanding of the legal field, obtain skill sets in computer use and administrative tasks, and develop a polished, professional appearance.

You should obtain an education. Most law firm receptionists are required to have a minimum of a high school diploma. Some regions will want you to have specific certifications in the field or a college degree in business, administrative assistance, or office management. You should take courses that improve your computer skill sets as well as some law terminology coursework.

A law firm receptionist may track client information and billing records.
A law firm receptionist may track client information and billing records.

Gain experience as a receptionist in another field. Due to the legal and sensitive nature of law firm work, many law firms will want to know you have the required skill sets before you are hired. Apply for receptionist positions in other fields to gain experience answering phones, typing memos, and greeting clients. Include that experience on your resume.

Law firm receptionists may schedule client meetings for an attorney.
Law firm receptionists may schedule client meetings for an attorney.

Build stellar business relationships. Collect letters of recommendation from college professors, former employers, and others who can attest to your ability to maintain professional confidences and be dependable. Once you become a law firm receptionist, you will be privy to confidential information, and the firm you work for must depend on you to maintain all professional confidences.

Good typing skills can help a person get a job as a receptionist.
Good typing skills can help a person get a job as a receptionist.

Develop error-free keyboarding speed. There is a lot of word processing in the field of law. To become a law firm receptionist, you need to be able to compose letters, memos, and e-mails. Increase your typing speed as much as possible, with as few errors as possible, so when hired, you will be able to meet deadlines. Include your typing speed on your resume to be sure the interviewer realizes how quickly you will be able to compose correspondence for the firm.

Good communication skills are important when working as a law firm receptionist.
Good communication skills are important when working as a law firm receptionist.

Dress professionally; law firms are rarely casual. Put together a few business professional outfits and wear them to interviews. You will be the first person clients see when they come to the office. It will be important to potential employers that once you become a law firm receptionist, you will dress professionally on a daily basis. Show them that during the interviews.

Network for leads. Ask everyone you know about openings at law firms in the area. Check online job boards. Send your resume to every firm that has an opening in your geographic area and follow up with a phone call or e-mail requesting an interview.

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