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How do I Become a Salon Manager?

Nat Robinson
Nat Robinson

A salon manager is the person who runs a salon on a daily basis. The manager may work in any type of establishment providing beauty care. This may include a hair salon or spa. Most managers work closely with the hair salon owners and spa owners of the establishments they manage. To become a salon manager, an individual will generally need to be knowledgeable of providing beauty care to many different types of people with varying needs.

In most cases, a college degree is not required to become a salon manager. Some individuals may still choose to enroll in a cosmetic school and obtain a certificate or associate's degree in cosmetology. Often, a manger will begin his or her career in other positions in the salon. An individual with a degree in cosmetology, may start out as a hair stylist, a manicurist or a makeup artist.

Salon managers are in charge of ordering the beauty products and stocking the shelves with beauty supplies.
Salon managers are in charge of ordering the beauty products and stocking the shelves with beauty supplies.

Salon managers can spend a lot of time doing more than one thing at a time. The manager will typically spend a great deal of time ordering beauty products, stocking shelves with beauty supplies and meeting with vendors. In addition, as the head of a salon, the manager may also have to hire staff, hold team meetings and be available for everyone as needed. Under these demanding circumstances, multitasking can be an important attribute to a person wishing to become a salon manager.

Salon managers work in establishments providing beauty care.
Salon managers work in establishments providing beauty care.

People skills are another quality which may be essential for someone seeking to become a salon manager. Most days will be spent working with individuals with varying types of personalities. This includes patrons of the establishment, as well as fellow co-workers. A manager will also have to be a team leader, as he or she will generally be the main go-to person for everyone working under him or her. Typically, the manager is the person to handle customer complaints as well.

Many salon managers start out as hair stylists.
Many salon managers start out as hair stylists.

Generally, the requirements needed to become a salon manager will depend on what the owner is looking for. Some owners may require a license or associate's degree in cosmetology at the very least. Others may take experience in working in a salon environment as an alternative to education. A person interested in becoming a salon manager should seek an interview with the owner, for this is the best way to know whether or not she or he has what is required to fill that particular position.

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Discussion Comments


I am currently working as the salon manager of a hair salon and spa. This was a process of working my way up through the years.

I am not working at the same place I was when I graduated from cosmetology school, but started out in this business right after I graduated.

Through the years I worked hard at keeping up with the ever changing nature of the salon business.

While I enjoy being the manager, I do miss the relationships I built with some of my clients. I am so busy trying to keep everything running smoothly that I hardly ever have a chance to give anyone a cut or spa service anymore.


One of my friends husband was looking for a business to invest in, and ended up buying a salon. He had business experience, but really didn't know much about the salon business and was never a licensed cosmetologist.

It was important he hire someone who was knowledgeable in this business and someone he could trust. He was out of town a lot, so was not there to oversee the day to day business of the salon.

He hired a lady who had worked as a successful salon manager and knew how to run a business and work with people. If he wasn't able to depend on his salon manager, he would be in a world of hurt.


My sister opened up a salon, and for a long time she was the owner, manager and stylist. If it had to be done, she was the only one to do it.

Even though this brought its share of challenges, it was exciting for her to have her own salon. For years before that, she had worked as a stylist for other people, and she was ready to branch out on her own.

As she steadily built up more clientele, she was able to hire more people. Now she has a salon manager who takes care of a lot of the day to day duties that my sister used to take care of.

As her business grew, she was able to expand and hire more people to take some of the responsibility off her back. Now she is in the process of opening a second salon, and will probably be looking for another salon manager in the near future.


I want to become a salon manager. How do I do this?

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