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How Do I Become an Endoscopy Nurse?

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Generally, you'll have to graduate from a nurse education program and pass a licensing exam to become an endoscopy nurse. While you are then qualified to work as a nurse, you may also benefit from taking a course in endoscopic nursing. Training is necessary for success in this career, but you can usually expect to receive hands-on training after you land a job. Eventually, you may also want to seek certification in order to improve your job prospects.

In most cases, you have to complete a jurisdiction-approved nurse education program to become an endoscopy nurse. You may, however, have a number of options when it comes to accomplishing this. For example, in some places, hospitals offer nurse education programs that allow you to complete the training required to become a registered nurse in about a year's time. In most cases, however, you will have to commit to a two-year nurse education program, which is usually offered through a community college, or a bachelor of nursing degree program, which is typically offered via a four-year college or university.

An endoscopy nurse may be responsible for cleaning and storing endoscopic equipment.
An endoscopy nurse may be responsible for cleaning and storing endoscopic equipment.

Though you have a few educational options when you want to become an endoscopy nurse, you may decide that a bachelor's degree program is your best bet for the future. This is due to the fact that more education often translates into more job opportunities and better pay. Additionally, earning a bachelor's degree now may make your path easier and shorter if you decide to go back to school for an advanced nursing degree later.

A prospective endoscopy nurse will usually receive hands-on training.
A prospective endoscopy nurse will usually receive hands-on training.

Most jurisdictions will also require you to take and pass a licensing examination when you want to become an endoscopy nurse. This exam, however, isn't specific to endoscopy nursing. Instead, these exams are usually standardized so that they are suitable for people who want to focus on a wide variety of nursing concentrations. Once you pass your jurisdiction's licensing exam, you will typically be qualified to begin working as an endoscopy nurse.

Some registered nurses may seek additional education to perform endoscopy procedures.
Some registered nurses may seek additional education to perform endoscopy procedures.

After you become a registered nurse, you may also seek additional education specific to endoscopy procedures. For example, you could enroll in courses specifically designed for aspiring endoscopy nurses or even take advantage of self-study resources. Such courses and resources may help you build upon the basics of endoscopy you might have learned in your nurse education program.

Hands-on endoscopy-specific training is also important when you want to become an endoscopy nurse. In most cases, aspiring endoscopic nurses receive on-the-job training from an experienced endoscopy nurse. Through such training, you will likely have the opportunity to learn via observation as well as from hands-on practice.

While employers may not require you to become certified, making this choice may help you in your career. Certification indicates to potential employers that you are knowledgeable, competent, and capable. The requirements for certification vary but often include passing scores on a certification exam and proof of significant experience.

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a WiseGEEK writer, and she focuses primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a WiseGEEK writer, and she focuses primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.

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Discussion Comments

@ Sun Seal

I work in the E.R. at Saint Johns Memorial and the nurses here absolutely get endoscopy hands on training from an experienced nurse, just as the article suggests. The article also suggested that not every employer will require you to have certification, which is true, but I recommend getting it. You'll feel more confident and capable as a result, and you'll have more job opportunities available to you.


@ Sunseal

I took classes that were specifically for endoscopy training, but they aren't any more difficult than other nursing classes. I want to work with patients who have digestive disorders or diseases because my mom passed away from stomach cancer. A lot of nurses shy away from endoscopy for some reason.



Do you have your endoscopy certification? I'm just looking into it at this point, but curious. How difficult is the certification? The article says you get hands-on training too. That makes me feel much less nervous about it.


I'm just finishing my nursing degree. I'm not sure if other people are aware of this, but it's also possible to be a traveling nurse. If you get your endoscopy certification, you can travel to the hospitals that pay the most and live there for six months or so, before moving on to another place. A nursing career is a great way to see the world.

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