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How do I Boost Workplace Morale?

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Taking steps to boost workplace morale may do more than just make staff members feel happier; it may also help increase workplace productivity. When morale is high, people are typically far more motivated about getting their work done and often put 100-percent effort into it. There are many ways to boost workplace morale, including facilitating better communication, giving compliments, and making criticism constructive. Offering bonuses and decorating the office may help as well.

One way to boost workplace morale is to make communication easier. This may involve holding regular meetings through which coworkers can offer suggestions and voice concerns. Often, morale is lower when individuals feel that their voices are not heard or that they cannot speak up for fear of reprisal. Additionally, holding regular meetings may help staff members feel they are well informed about things that are going on with the company.

A positive attitude may help boost workplace morale.
A positive attitude may help boost workplace morale.

Another way to boost workplace morale is to ensure that staff members can communicate with each other effectively. This may mean providing easy ways for employees to contact their supervisors or get information from other departments. Taking such steps may help to not only clear the way for effective communication, but may also make collaborating on projects easier.

Making communication easier can help boost workplace morale by allowing employees to voice their concerns or provide necessary feedback.
Making communication easier can help boost workplace morale by allowing employees to voice their concerns or provide necessary feedback.

Often, taking care with compliments and criticisms also helps to boost workplace morale. Giving compliments about projects and tasks that have been handled well may help staff members to feel appreciated and develop a sense of pride in their work. On the other hand, delivering criticism constructively may not only boost workplace morale, but may also encourage staff members to use criticism to make improvements where they are needed.

Good communication is key to workplace morale.
Good communication is key to workplace morale.

Offering bonuses and perks may also help to boost workplace morale. While staff members may enjoy receiving verbal or written praise from supervisors, they may also appreciate having a reward system in place. This could involve setting up a system of monetary bonus awards or even planning weekly or monthly drawings for small prizes. For example, a company could enter the names of employees who were particularly productive, helpful, or creative in a given week. This way, an employee may receive a prize but also learn the specific behavior that led to his drawn entry.

Sometimes changing office decor may help to boost morale. Painting the walls with a color that lightens moods may help. Likewise, adding plants and accents may make the office environment more pleasant.

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a WiseGEEK writer, and she focuses primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.

Nicole Madison
Nicole Madison

Nicole’s thirst for knowledge inspired her to become a WiseGEEK writer, and she focuses primarily on topics such as homeschooling, parenting, health, science, and business. When not writing or spending time with her four children, Nicole enjoys reading, camping, and going to the beach.

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Discussion Comments


In my opinion, nothing puts workplace morale in the ground like too much micro-managing. Let people do their jobs!

When a boss takes a more hands-off approach with his or her employees, they will almost always respond well. Some will still need a lot of guidance, but if they know they can go to the boss for help, it makes a world of difference in the office.

Workplace morale is the lynchpin on which the rest of the office turns. By not staying on people's backs and discouraging office gossip (a morale killer), a boss can help keep morale high.


Just letting employees know you care about them goes a long way toward improving morale. Even if the conditions aren't ideal, the boss often sets the tone for the rest of the office.

If the boss adopts a laid back attitude about things like taking vacation days and so forth, it helps employees know they are valued. I used to have to almost produce a written itinerary to get a day off with my former boss. With my current boss, all I have to do is ask for a day off, and it's usually not a problem. That's how it should be.

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