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How Do I Choose the Best Bluetooth® Stereo Receiver?

Alex Newth
Alex Newth

There are many similar Bluetooth® stereo receiver units on the market, making it difficult to choose without knowing what features are important and what features are just nice to have. The transmission range between the Bluetooth® device and the Bluetooth® stereo receiver will determine if the receiver is suitable for the house or building in which it is being placed. Compatibility with devices, though usually not a problem, should be checked to ensure the wireless device and receiver work together. The number of devices that can be remembered will keep users from wasting time configuring devices. Whether the receiver is a standalone stereo or has to be hooked up to another stereo also may be important for many users.

All Bluetooth® stereo receiver units come with an operating distance that determines how far away a wireless device can be and still integrate with the receiver. For most installation, the common distance of 30 feet (9.1 meters) should be adequate. If this is not enough and the user seeks a longer-distance receiver, it likely will cost extra.

A Bluetooth receiver can be used to create surround sound in home theaters.
A Bluetooth receiver can be used to create surround sound in home theaters.

Most Bluetooth® stereo receiver units will be compatible with all Bluetooth® devices, but this is not always the case. Before purchasing a stereo receiver, the user should check the unit’s specs and see if it supports the device’s Bluetooth® version. If not, then the user cannot use that unit, because the device and receiver will not integrate and the connection will be useless.

There is minimal setup necessary for a Bluetooth® stereo receiver, with most of the work going into integrating a wireless device and the receiver for the first time. A connection has to be forged between the two, so the receiver knows it can trust the device and the receiver does not accept signals from other nearby wireless devices. If there are several wireless devices in the house that will be controlling the receiver, it is best if the receiver has the ability to trust all the devices at once. This allows a whole family, not just a single unit, to control the receiver.

Bluetooth® stereo receivers come in two models: a standalone stereo and a unit that hooks into an existing stereo. The standalone version is much more expensive, but users will not need to hook up a stereo to it, and the stereo itself will be able to play music without a wireless device present. The second version needs a stereo to be present, but it much cheaper to obtain.

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Discussion Comments

Have the prices of these dropped a lot since they first went on the market? I am willing to wait a little longer if it means I will get a better deal. Look at how economical HD tvs have become.

I got a bluetooth stereo receiver about a year ago and I love it. It makes it so much easier to play music throughout the house.

It use to be that I would have to carry my iPod with me everywhere I went or turn the volume on my stereo up really loud so I could hear it while I am cooking. Now I can leave everything in the living room and listen through wireless speakers that I have set up. It could not be easier.


One great way to compare prices, capabilities and qualities is to do some research online. There are a number of different websites that will let you type in a general product name and then see offers from multiple different stores and manufacturers. Most will have product reviews and price comparisons. If you are looking for the best possible deal, this is definitely the place to start.

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