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How Do I Choose the Best Business Event Ideas?

Kristie Lorette
Kristie Lorette

Choosing the best business event ideas requires planners to evaluate several different factors, including the purpose or goal of the business event, the audience or people who will be attending, and the event's budget limitations. Those planning a business event must find the balance between making it fun and unique while still achieving the goals set by the business.

In order to come up with business event ideas, determine reason for the event. Business events can range from a grand opening party to celebrate the opening of a new business or a new business location to hosting an appreciation event for your employees or your clients, to team building. The purpose of the event can help you narrow down the types of events you can consider.

Employee awards ceremonies might involve trophies.
Employee awards ceremonies might involve trophies.

For example, if you are hosting the grand opening of a new business location, then your business event ideas will focus around drawing or attracting people to the new location. This may lead to a grand opening cocktail party, contest or special sale to celebrate the opening of the new business location.

Next, when thinking of business event ideas, you also want to consider the audience or the people who will be attending the event. For example, if your customers are attending the event, there may need to be more of a level of formality than if it is your employees attending the event. If the event is employee-only, then the business event ideas may be less formal and more of a laid-back party.

Corporate events are typically more formal without being too fancy.
Corporate events are typically more formal without being too fancy.

When you match the purpose of the event and the audience in attendance, planners can then infuse some creativity in choosing some business event ideas. Party planning books and online press releases for corporate events and fundraisers can be useful resources for brainstorming ideas. Gather general and specific ideas for a theme for the business event that you’re planning. In addition, use your own imagination to inject fun and creative elements into the business event.

For example, if you're hosting an employee appreciation and awards dinner, you may choose a Hollywood, red carpet theme and format to show your appreciation to the employees and make them feel like celebrities or give them the royal treatment for the evening. Roll out the red carpet, have photographers act as paparazzi as employees arrive at the red carpet event and hand out trophies or plaques during the award ceremony to stick with the theme.

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