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How do I Choose the Best CCTV Security Cameras?

Patrick Lynch
Patrick Lynch

Installing CCTV security cameras in the home gives a family piece of mind. A homeowner should proceed by talking with an expert in security matters. The surrounding area should then be analyzed before the size of the lens and number of cameras required are decided upon. CCTV security cameras have four different lenses, one of which should be include a manual iris. The homeowner should also use a special recorder if more than three or four hours of footage is needed at a time.

In order to choose the best CCTV security cameras, it is necessary to consult a professional security advisor. The expert should provide the homeowner with the requisite information which will be useful when choosing the system. An advisor can also give cost estimates and point the homeowner in the direction of the best suppliers of CCTV security cameras.

A CCTV security camera can alert homeowners that someone is trying to enter the home.
A CCTV security camera can alert homeowners that someone is trying to enter the home.

The next step is to survey the home. Look around the perimeter of the property to see if there are specific areas in need of coverage. The homeowner should also decide if more than one camera is required in the home because this will help determine the need for several monitors. Then choose the size of the monitor. These usually vary between 9 inches (23 cm) and 17 inches (44 cm).

CCTV systems may be used by retailers to catch shoplifters in the act.
CCTV systems may be used by retailers to catch shoplifters in the act.

It is also important to decide on the area that will be covered by the CCTV security cameras. This information is necessary in selecting the size of the lens and camera. There are several different camera formats to choose from. Choose a format that is less than 1/2 inch (1 cm) because this variant has the widest range of lenses.

There are normally four different lenses which can be used with CCTV security cameras: auto iris, manual iris, zoom, and fixed aperture. The manual iris is the preferred choice for locations where the light does not change too often. It is only possible to change the lighting in a manual iris lens by hand. An auto-iris lens should be chosen when the light in the area changes with regularity because it has the ability to adjust to light changes instantly.

CCTV cameras may have different means for saving recorded footage.
CCTV cameras may have different means for saving recorded footage.

When the time comes to choose the video recorder system, bear in mind that a standard VCR will usually only record four hours of footage. A commercial grade recorder is required to record additional footage. The final consideration to make is deciding whether all cameras are to be recorded in full screen mode or if a multi-camera system is to be used. A piece of equipment known as a multiplexer is needed if all cameras are to be recorded in full screen. The distance from the subject to the camera, also known as the focal length, should then be measured.

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Discussion Comments


A good way to find the best CCTV security camera for your home at the best price is to get several estimates. Prices for the equipment and installation may vary greatly from company to company, so you will get the best deal when you shop around and compare prices.


When choosing a company to install a CCTV security camera, it is important to check references. If possible, go with a company that is recommended by a friend to ensure quality service.

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