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How do I Choose the Best International Internship?

B. Miller
B. Miller

An international internship can be a great way to gain valuable work experience as well as a way to experience life in another country. Internships may be located through your university or by searching online, but it may be overwhelming to try to choose the best one. When selecting an international internship, determine what you want to study or learn, as well as the type of country you want to live in.

In study abroad experiences, most students end up focusing on language classes, as well as other general education classes at the university to which they travel. An international internship focused on more on work experience, however, provides a great deal more opportunity. Consider what you hope to learn from your internship; for instance, many journalism students enjoy international internships because they hope to be travel writers or foreign corespondents one day. They can take their experience from the internship and use it when they enter the workforce.

An international internship can be a great way to gain valuable work experience as well as a way to learn about life in another country.
An international internship can be a great way to gain valuable work experience as well as a way to learn about life in another country.

An international internship may focus on humanitarian work as well. Many people spend a few months abroad doing humanitarian work in a foreign country; not only is this an excellent way to help others, meet new people, learn about a new culture, and learn a different language, but it is an excellent addition to any resume. Of course, your existing skills may play a role in the international internship you can apply for; many internships are tailored to students in a certain degree program.

An international internship may focus on humanitarian in a developing nation.
An international internship may focus on humanitarian in a developing nation.

Consider also the type of country you want to live in during your international internships. There are internships available literally all over, in tropical settings, for example, or in cities around the world. If you are traveling to a country where a different language is spoken, it is of course a good idea to take classes in the language before you go. Most internships include language immersion classes as well, in countries where it is necessary.

Students who are interested in studying abroad may focus on taking language classes at a given university.
Students who are interested in studying abroad may focus on taking language classes at a given university.

Choosing the best international internship is primarily based on one's personal preferences and goals. Studying abroad can be exciting and an excellent life experience, and it is difficult to choose incorrectly when choosing an international internship. Some people choose to do more than one throughout their college education, as well as after they have graduated; the internship may last for a semester, for a summer, or even for a whole year, so the time you take depends on the commitment you are willing to make.

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