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How Do I Choose the Best Secretary Cards?

B. Miller
B. Miller

Sending secretary cards to administrative assistants in offices is a great way to show appreciation for all their hard work, and to acknowledge Secretary's Day every year. It is generally a good idea to take the time to actually purchase a greeting card rather than merely sending an e-card, which may be quick and easy but doesn't take a great deal of thought. Secretary cards should also reflect the professional relationship you have with your secretary; if you are good friends who like to laugh or joke together, a funny card might be appropriate, but otherwise it is best to keep it professional to show that you recognize how hard the individual works every day.

There are many cards to be found in stores and online that are intended to celebrate Secretary's Day. The first thing to keep in mind when purchasing secretary cards is job title. If an individual is referred to as an administrative assistant or an executive assistant, for example, don't get him or her a card that says "secretary" on it, as some people will take offense to this. Remember if you have multiple secretaries or office assistants, to get secretary cards and/or gifts for each of them, not just the senior secretaries or supervisors. Sending a simple card is a great and easy way to foster good will among employees.

Secretary cards should not contain inappropriate humor.
Secretary cards should not contain inappropriate humor.

Consider the office environment and professional relationships when choosing secretary cards as well. Some offices are more like friends or family environments than others, and this might change the type of card you choose. It is important not to make a joke of appreciating an administrative assistant's hard work, but to really show that you notice and value the service they provide. It is generally nice to write a personal message in the card, mentioning a particular time or instance when you really appreciated something the employee did. This will make the card even more meaningful.

Consider the office environment and professional relationships when choosing secretary cards.
Consider the office environment and professional relationships when choosing secretary cards.

It is also important to keep in mind that secretary cards should be appropriate for the workplace, particularly if the person giving a card is in a position of superiority. Though it might seem funny to send a card with suggestive or otherwise inappropriate humor, this is not only rude but may also be illegal, as it could be considered sexual harassment. If you are in doubt about whether or not a card is appropriate, put it down and look for a different one!

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