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How Do I Choose the Best Shampoo Units?

K.C. Bruning
K.C. Bruning

Choosing the best shampoo units is typically the process of finding the most comfortable and functional pieces for an economical price. This means ensuring that customers will be happy sitting in the unit and stylists will be able to perform their job with ease. As the units are among the most important pieces of equipment in a hair salon, it is often best to invest in a piece that will last. Depending on the nature of the salon, style can also be an important consideration.

Customer comfort is an important consideration when shopping for shampoo units. The unit seat should have sufficient padding, with sturdy armrests and a seat that is wide enough to accommodate a wide array of body types. Sink shape and dimensions and the way the piece fits with the chair can also affect customer comfort.

Functionality is a key factor to consider when choosing shampoo units.
Functionality is a key factor to consider when choosing shampoo units.

Functionality is another key factor to consider when choosing shampoo units. The sink and chair should be a good fit for the space available in the salon. If a unit does not fit well, it will usually not be as easy to use, in addition to affecting the appearance of the salon. The design of both sink and chairs should be easy for the stylist to use while distracted by the needs of the customer. If they interfere with the stylist’s work flow, then they could become a liability.

Style can also be an important consideration when choosing a shampoo unit.
Style can also be an important consideration when choosing a shampoo unit.

Durability is another important element of shampoo units to consider. Pieces should be made of material that is meant to last. This includes the chair fabric, which must be durable enough to handle several customers and able to handle several cleanings. The controls for the chair should also be smooth and easy to use.

It is also advisable to consider what level of quality is affordable given the available budget. While features such as expensive leather and footrests may be desirable, they are not necessarily the most important elements to consider. On many occasions, a less expensive, but more durable piece will serve a stylist more efficiently and for a longer period of time.

While it is advisable to first ensure that a shampoo unit is built to accommodate both the customer and the stylist, style can also be an important consideration. Coordinating chair style and seat color with the overall design of the salon is a good way to keep the space inviting and pleasing to the eye. Sink color is another important consideration. Dark-colored sinks tend to be popular and often last a long time because they can often hide superficial water stains and damage.

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