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How do I Choose the Best Sponsor Gifts?

Angela Crout-Mitchell
Angela Crout-Mitchell

Businesses and companies often choose to sponsor people and events for a variety of reasons, including improving their public image and to attract a potentially new client base. When these businesses choose to offer money and resources to support an event, it is considered good manners and common sense to provide sponsor gifts to show your appreciation. In most cases, these gifts are given to the person who approved the sponsorship as well as to any staff members who may have helped with the donation. The trick is to choose gifts that are useful and appropriate without being too personal. It is important to consider the person's gender, and, and their position in the company when choosing a gift.

It is not uncommon to choose sponsor gifts that will appeal to both men and women. Personalized sponsor gifts bearing engravings of the event name and personal thanks are always appropriate for a person of any age and gender. If the sponsor's interests or hobbies are known, it is also appropriate to send a gift within a particular theme, such as a personalized golf tee to commemorate the event and sponsorship. Gifts that can be used in the office are excellent ideas as well, and may include attractive paperweights, pen sets, or a desk clock.

Engraved pens may be an appropriate sponsor gift.
Engraved pens may be an appropriate sponsor gift.

The person who extended sponsorship funding and resources is likely to hold a position high in the company, and the sponsor gifts should reflect that status. It is not unusual or inappropriate to extend reasonably expensive gifts if the funds are available, such as sporting or cultural event tickets and restaurant gift cards or certificates. Many people choose to give these kinds of gifts when they are sure the gesture will be well received and appreciated. The sponsor's staff can usually provide you with good ideas for sponsorship gifts as well.

If you choose to give personalized sponsor gifts, it is appropriate to personalize it with the name of the sponsor and company, the event name, and the date if possible. This practice helps to remind the sponsor of your organization or event as well as to encourage future sponsorship funding. Personalized gifts can also be more than an engraved plaque, and many people thank their sponsors with event T-shirts, hats, and jackets. These gifts are useful, remind the sponsor of their generosity and your appreciation, and are often well thought out and appropriate for the occasion.

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    • Engraved pens may be an appropriate sponsor gift.
      By: toktak_kondesign
      Engraved pens may be an appropriate sponsor gift.