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How do I get a Reluctant Customer to Pay?

Patti Kate
Patti Kate

To devise a plan of getting a reluctant customer to pay for your service or product, think of a creative approach to what you are trying to sell. If the customer expresses a need for your service or product, but is reluctant to pay the asking price, convince him why it's in his best interest to make that purchase. For example, if he says he needs time to mull it over, convince him why he may risk losing the best deal at the best price.

Customer loyalty won't typically happen without forethought and strategy on your part. To get that reluctant customer to pay the price you feel you deserve, you'll need to satisfy his needs from every standpoint. Listening to customer complaints is an integral part of being successful, but it's not only about listening. If the customer has suggestions for improvement, prove to him that your actions will speak louder than mere words. Accomplish this by taking every possible step to ensure the customer's needs are met.

To get a customer to pay the price that you would like, you'll need to satisfy her needs from every standpoint.
To get a customer to pay the price that you would like, you'll need to satisfy her needs from every standpoint.

Never let the customer or client walk away with an issue unresolved. Even if this ultimately means accepting a lower price than you would have preferred, bargaining can bring results. If the customer is likely to return in the future, he will also be likely to recommend your services to others. Establishing a loyal customer base is a stepping stone for future success.

Customer service representatives should answer any customer questions with a polite demeanor to encourage payment.
Customer service representatives should answer any customer questions with a polite demeanor to encourage payment.

Another essential aspect to getting your customer to pay your price is being able to offer knowledgeable information about the product or service you are selling. If the customer has inquiries or questions you don't know the answer to, he's likely to go elsewhere. Be well-informed, especially if this is a new area to you. Do your research beforehand, or your lack of knowledge is likely to show. If you exude self-confidence, this will be in your favor as well.

Listening to a customer's complaints is an important part to getting a customer to pay what you feel you deserve.
Listening to a customer's complaints is an important part to getting a customer to pay what you feel you deserve.

Occasionally, you may be met with customers who become irate and angry over some particular issue or circumstance. Others may show lack of interest. In addition, some customers may have difficult personalities to deal with. The key to success is a matter of knowing how to react and what the best approach may be for every individual customer. Dealing with all types of customers means knowing how to appease each and every one of them according to personality type and unique situations.

Maintaining eye contact while delivering great customer service is one way to convince a reluctant customer to pay.
Maintaining eye contact while delivering great customer service is one way to convince a reluctant customer to pay.

One tip for getting a reluctant customer to pay for your service or product is something that is often overlooked as being a crucial factor in selling. You need to maintain steady eye contact with your client. A salesperson can offer first-rate knowledge and deliver excellent customer service, but if during the conversation he constantly looks away or glances down at his feet, communication and trust is difficult to establish.

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I find that telling a customer who refuses to pay about my own financial realities can motivate them to pay for their items or the service. I'll explain that if I don't get the $200 payment for my item or service, then I won't have the money to pay the employee who performed that service or made that product. I don't like shorting my employees on money I owe them. It's not fair to them, but that's the reality if a customer doesn't pay his or her bill.

I'd remind the customer that I also have outgoing expenses, and that I can't afford to allow customers to skip out on a bill. We had a contract, and I fulfilled my part of it. I performed the service and it was done correctly. It falls on them to fulfill their end of the contract and pay the bill. Nobody wants to see this matter end up in small claims court.


I had a friend who started his own freelance video production company after working for a major name in the business for ten years. One of his first clients hired him to produce several television spots and a sales presentation. They didn't negotiate a price ahead of time, since he had no idea how involved the project would actually be.

When the work was done, my friend gave his bill to the client and asked for a timely payment. The client was shocked by the amount and refused to pay it. My friend simply told him to shop around at any other video production service in town and see if they would even match his price to do the same amount of work. After a few days, the client came back and paid the bill, no questions asked.

I'd say if you still have possession of the item and a customer refuses to pay for it, then suggest to them that they shop around for a better price, find out there isn't any, and then come back with the money when they're ready.

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