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How do I get Nuclear Medicine Training?

Carol Francois
Carol Francois

There are three items to consider when looking for nuclear medicine training: purpose, admissions requirements, and faculty. Nuclear medicine training is available from an accredited university, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. In addition to full degree programs, many schools offer specialized, post-graduate certificate programs for licensed nurses. Nuclear medicine is the use of radio nuclear particles to take enhanced images for diagnostic and treatment purposes.

Nuclear medicine is included in a number of medical training programs, such as nuclear medicine physicians, medical physicists, radiochemists, radiopharmacists, and radiobiologists. All these professionals must be trained on the proper use of radioactive materials, storage, safe handling, and procedures for usage. The need for professionals trained in the use of nuclear materials is growing, as these materials prove their value.

Nuclear medicine offers a minimally invasive, cost effective way to diagnose some cancers.
Nuclear medicine offers a minimally invasive, cost effective way to diagnose some cancers.

In order to qualify for admission to nuclear medicine training programs, you must meet the admissions requirements for either the bachelor's or graduate degree programs. This typically includes a high school diploma, with courses in biology, chemistry, English, and technology. Nuclear medicine is forecast to experience a greater than average growth in the next five to ten years. Demand for nuclear medicine training programs is increasing, and higher marks may be required to gain admission.

Certificate and post-graduate nuclear medicine training programs typically require an undergraduate degree or diploma to qualify for admissions. Nurses who have completed a bachelor of nursing degree qualify for a one-year, full-time post-graduate program in nuclear medicine. Alternatively, nurses can complete a two-year, part-time program. Upon graduation, he or she is qualified to work as both a nurse and a nuclear medicine technologist.

Most nuclear medicine and related programs provide the biographies of their faculty or instructors on their websites. The information listed typically includes the academic credentials, work experience, special training, and any awards they have received. Review the information with care and learn more about the different areas of specialization within nuclear medicine training.

Qualifying for nuclear medicine training varies, depending on the size of the institution, background, and academic credentials of the candidates. This field is also quite small, resulting in a large number of international students applying for admissions to these programs. Candidates applying to nuclear medicine training programs in other countries are well advised to discuss the details of the program with their visa office. Tuition fees for international students are usually quite high, and it is best to make sure that all documentation is in place before paying.

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Discussion Comments


Do not even consider a career in nuclear medicine technology. There are far too many schools and not nearly enough jobs.


Nuclear medicine is an interesting field!! I encourage people who are interested to take medical aesthetics training, too. Trust me -- it is worth it.

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