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How Do I Write a Front Desk Receptionist Cover Letter?

Wanda Marie Thibodeaux
Wanda Marie Thibodeaux

Writing a front desk receptionist cover letter requires listing basic contact, subject, recipient and salutation information, as well as introducing the candidate and why she is writing. The content of the letter should highlight the skills and experience the receptionist has as a summary of her resume, using verbs and accomplishments to describe what happened rather than empty adjectives that subjectively describe the applicant's abilities. The last part of the front desk receptionist cover letter gives contact instructions, requests an interview and provides thanks, followed by a closing phrase, signature and, if necessary, an enclosures line. All content should show the connection between what the company needs or wants to accomplish and what the receptionist can provide, so applicants should research the company prior to writing in order to personalize the letter, avoiding formulaic constructions at all costs.

By far the most important thing to do when writing a front desk receptionist cover letter is to research the company at which the job exists. When a company has equally qualified candidates, they want employees who truly understand the business' purpose and who are a good fit to the company's philosophies and mission. This is especially true with receptionists, who are the initial "face" of the company clients encounter. Find facts about the company the candidate can tie in to his experience and tailor the letter around those points.

Front desk receptionist cover letters should be signed by hand in blue or black ink.
Front desk receptionist cover letters should be signed by hand in blue or black ink.

Once a person knows something significant about the company, it's time to start drafting the letter. Left justified, one line per data set, include information such as the applicant's name and address, the company name and address, the date and the subject line. The salutation comes next and should include a specific person's name — "To Whom It May Concern" should not be on a front desk receptionist cover letter, as it communicates that the applicant was not serious enough to take the time to find out who to contact.

A cover letter should highlight relevant experience, such as communication skills.
A cover letter should highlight relevant experience, such as communication skills.

Following the introductory information comes the first paragraph of the front desk reception letter. In this paragraph, the candidate should introduce herself, summarizing why she is writing. It also is acceptable to explain how the candidate found out about the receptionist job and what the company indicated they wanted from a candidate.

In the second paragraph, the receptionist should go into more details about her qualifications, relating each qualification back to the requirements of the company. For example, using bullet points if necessary, she can explain that she has x years of experience or a certificate in reception from University Y. She should hit on skills considered essential to receptionist work, such as the handling of communications, organization and database maintenance. One pitfall to avoid is the use of generic adjective phrases such as "I am a team player." These statements are subjective, don't describe what the receptionist did and need specific, verifiable evidence to be effective, such as "My efforts to work collaboratively with all staff members led to an increase in project completion of 12 percent and a nomination for Administrative Staff Worker of the Year by Receptionist Organization Z."

Receptionist cover letters should highlight a candidate's typing speed.
Receptionist cover letters should highlight a candidate's typing speed.

The final paragraph of a front desk receptionist cover letter should tell the recipient that, given the listed experience and qualifications, the candidate's resume or other required documentation is enclosed and that an interview would be appreciated at the recipient's convenience. It also should invite the recipient to contact the applicant and reference the applicant's contact information. The last element is a brief statement thanking the recipient for her consideration and time.

Cover letters are mailed with a resume by job seekers.
Cover letters are mailed with a resume by job seekers.

Closing the letter requires a closing element such as "Sincerely" or "In appreciation." After hitting return at least three or four times, the candidate should sign her name. Two lines below this should come the enclosure line, such as "Enclosures ([number of enclosures])" or "Enclosures: [list of each enclosed item, separated by commas]."

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Discussion Comments


@Laotionne - I think sending a cover letter is fine even when it is not specifically asked for as long as there isn't an ad that reads send only a resume. However, if you send something that is not required then you want to make sure it is a really good cover letter.


Should I include a cover letter if the position I am applying for does not specifically ask for one? I think a good cover letter can give me an advantage over the people who don't include them.


I worked at a hotel for a number of years when I was in college. I worked as a night auditor and the manager of the hotel would ask me to read over the applications for front desk positions to see what I thought. Many of the applicants had basically the same qualifications. I always looked for details that said something about the person's values.

Sure you want to include all of your experience and qualifications, but let the person doing the hiring know something unique about you. Usually, he or she will make the final decision based on your intertview but a good cover will put you ahead of the pack.

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