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How do I Write a Sales Associate Cover Letter?

G. Wiesen
G. Wiesen

To write a sales associate cover letter, you should begin by making sure you know the name of the person to whom you are addressing the letter. You can then properly address your letter to ensure it reaches someone involved with hiring, and that it is not lost in transit. Once your cover letter is properly addressed, you should write the body paragraphs to demonstrate and detail your skills in sales. You should have an assertive, though not necessarily pushy, tone in your sales associate cover letter, and utilize your skills in sales in the body of your letter.

A sales associate cover letter is a letter that accompanies a résumé when sent to a company, usually as a means of introduction. As you write this letter, you should be sure to include details that will allow the letter to reach the right person and promote your skills in sales. This means you should begin your letter with your contact information, preferably in the same format as your résumé, and the contact information for the company to which you are sending your letter. Your sales associate cover letter should also include the specific name of the person you are addressing, or a title such as “Dear Sales Manager” or “Dear Hiring Manager.”

A sales associate cover letter is a letter that accompanies a résumé and is usually as a means of introduction.
A sales associate cover letter is a letter that accompanies a résumé and is usually as a means of introduction.

The body of your sales associate cover letter should promote you as a potentially valuable employee and demonstrate your sales skills. You should try to begin the body paragraphs by indicating what you know of the company, such as mentioning a recent article published about the company or successful sales figures posted in the news. If you are responding to a particular call for applications, then you can mention that as well; if you know anyone who works for the company, it can be helpful to mention that in your sales associate cover letter.

Other information you should include in your sales associate cover letter includes details about your previous work, which should not restate your résumé information, but present a quick overview of your experience. You want to make the reader of your cover letter interested in you and continue reading your résumé. Since you are looking for a position in sales, your cover letter is an excellent place to show off your skills as a sales associate, so maintain a consistently assertive tone as you sell your experience and professional value. You should end your sales associate cover letter by thanking the reader, indicate that you will be contacting him or her shortly, and then politely close your letter with a phrase like “Sincerely,” and your name.

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