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What are Backup Cameras?

Shannon Kietzman
Shannon Kietzman

Backup cameras are small cameras attached to the back end of a vehicle. Backup cameras are generally lightweight, small, and resistant to weather. Since backup cameras are mounted to the vehicle on the outside, it is important for them to be waterproof and durable so they do not become damaged.

Backup cameras serve many purposes. For parents, backup cameras can be a lifesaver when backing out of the driveway in a sports utility vehicle (SUV) or a mini-van. This is because backup cameras allow the driver to view what is behind him or her while backing up. In this way, backup cameras help ensure that children are not accidentally harmed while playing behind a vehicle moving in reverse. This is particularly helpful with SUVs and minivans, because it is difficult to get a full ranged view of objects behind the vehicle.

Backup cameras allow drivers of vehicles, especially larger ones such as SUVs, see through a monitor what is behind them when driving in reverse.
Backup cameras allow drivers of vehicles, especially larger ones such as SUVs, see through a monitor what is behind them when driving in reverse.

Backup cameras are also commonly found on recreational vehicles (RVs). These backup cameras provide extra safety in the same way as those mounted to SUVs and minivans. In addition, they make it possible for the driver of the RV to back up into tight spots without accidentally bumping into other vehicles, objects, or walls. These backup cameras are often mounted in a manner that looks directly down behind the RV, allowing the driver to safely back up to within inches of an object.

Backup cameras are generally quite easy to install on an RV. The camera itself is mounted with brackets at the rear of the RV. A hole must be drilled for the camera cable through the rear wall of the RV and then sealed with special tape. The cable can then be run along the chassis rail below the RV, which does not have any obstructions to get in the way of the cable.

To fully benefit from backup cameras, an RV owner should only purchase one with the “reverse image” feature. When this button is pushed, it makes the image viewed by the camera look the same as if it were being viewed in a rearview mirror.

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    • Backup cameras allow drivers of vehicles, especially larger ones such as SUVs, see through a monitor what is behind them when driving in reverse.
      By: Robert Wilson
      Backup cameras allow drivers of vehicles, especially larger ones such as SUVs, see through a monitor what is behind them when driving in reverse.