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What are Common Sales Manager Interview Questions?

Patti Kate
Patti Kate

Some of the most typical sales manager interview questions will focus on a job candidate's experience in management and selling in general. He may be asked "What type of sales is your area of expertise?" If the individual is interviewing for a retail position, many of the questions may involve his customer service background as well.

Companies that need a sales manager will want to hire someone accomplished in sales. In a job interview, one common inquiry will be "How much experience do you have in selling?" This is to gain better knowledge of the individual's selling experience. He may also be asked about his selling techniques and personal approach to sales.

Questions about management experience will be asked in a sales manager interview.
Questions about management experience will be asked in a sales manager interview.

In the retail industry, one typical sales manager interview question may be "What other retail sales management positions have you held?" Again, this will give the interviewer insight into whether his potential new manager has adequate sales management experience. If the candidate has held other management jobs, not relating to sales, the sales manager interview questions may take a slightly different turn. He might be asked how his former managing positions may relate to the position he is applying for, and how he can apply his expertise to his new job.

A prospective sales manager may be asked about his or her presentation skills during an interview.
A prospective sales manager may be asked about his or her presentation skills during an interview.

"What duties and responsibilities did you hold in your former sales manger job?" is another of many sales manager interview questions one might be asked. This might be to ascertain how the duties of a candidate's current job are similar to the job for which he is applying. The hiring personnel may feel that the more familiar the candidate is with certain procedures and practices in sales management, the better suited he may be for the job.

The interviewer may ask the candidate about his presentation skills as well. In regard to selling, other questions may inquire about experience in inside and outside sales, and which is preferred. A candidate may be asked whether he's ever done any type of call center sales or cold canvassing work.

"How many employees have you been responsible for managing at one time?" is one of the common sales manager interview questions that may be asked. "Would you consider yourself a natural born leader who prefers to take charge and control of a situation?" may also be asked. Another sales manager interview question may be "Do friends rely on you for advice in certain situations, or do you typically seek outside help and advice from your friends?"

If the interview involves a position in retail sales, most likely one of the crucial sales manager interview questions will relate to the subject of customer service. "How do you feel about delivering quality customer service and ensuring satisfaction from clients?" may be asked. This is because retail selling deals directly with customers in many capacities. Often a sales manager must initiate practical solutions to many customer service issues.

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