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What Are Common Types of Home Businesses?

B. Miller
B. Miller

There are a number of different types of home businesses that can allow individuals to make a good income from the comfort of their own homes. Some of the most common types of home businesses include data entry and transcription, whether it is medical or legal transcription. Though data entry does not typically require too much additional training, transcriptionists will often need to complete a training program in order to receive a certificate before getting hired anywhere. Writing and editing are two other professions that can often be done from home, but it can be difficult to get started without a degree and some contacts in the field, since there are thousands of people trying to do the same thing.

Some common home businesses include sales or telemarketing calls, as well as collection calls. Larger companies will often hire a big pool of people to make phone calls from home and attempt to sell products or subscriptions, for example, or to collect payments on overdue accounts. Some companies will even outsource their customer service in this way. Data entry and transcription are also very common home businesses.

Data entry is one type of home business.
Data entry is one type of home business.

Quite a few people work as contract employees, while others will actually be hired by the company, and will then be allowed to work from home as long as the work is completed on time. People who want to work as medical or legal transcriptionists, transcribing tapes from doctors and lawyers, will generally complete a program in order to receive a certification. These programs can typically be completed in a few months, often online, and are generally a form of continuing education. A certification such as this will then indicate that the person is a professional who is familiar with the terminology and methods of transcribing important documents, and is capable of running a successful home business.

Proofreading is a common home business.
Proofreading is a common home business.

Of course, some people choose to start their own home businesses as well, rather than working for someone else's. These can include any number of things; most writers and editors who work from home are freelancers or contract employees, and will consider themselves to be business owners. These people will need to develop many contacts in the field in order to have successful home businesses, because so many people are interested in this type of employment. Other people might make hand crafted items, such as furniture or jewelry, and sell those from their home. Starting a home business like this can be a great way to make some extra money.

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