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What are Short Courses?

Diane Goettel
Diane Goettel
Diane Goettel
Diane Goettel

Short courses are series of educational classes that are usually attended by adults in order to receive a specific kind of training over a rather short period of time. The term "short courses" is often used in the United Kingdom and Australia to describe these sorts of classes. In the United States, "short courses" are more often referred to as "condensed courses." These courses are usually taken outside of the constructs of a degree program and may even be offered by schools without accreditation.

One of the unique aspects of short courses is that they can either be taken voluntarily for personal growth and edification, to improve upon one's professional skills, or to develop a new skill to use in the workplace. For example, someone might decide to take a short course in pottery or archery simply to take up a new hobby. On the other hand, someone may decide to take a short course in a particular type of computer program in order to be more effective at work.

Individuals may take a short course in archery to learn a new hobby.
Individuals may take a short course in archery to learn a new hobby.

Alternatively, someone may decide to take a short course that will help them to develop a skill that will parlay into an entirely new career. Someone who wanted to begin work in the fitness industry, for example, might take a short course in fitness instruction. These sorts of short courses that are intended for use as credentials for a new career should almost always be taken through an accredited institution.

Soap making is sometimes taught as a short course.
Soap making is sometimes taught as a short course.

Sometimes employers will cover the costs of short courses. For example, if a valued employee would like to take courses in a foreign language to be able to better serve clients or customers, the employer may pay for the tuition as the skills developed within the course will directly benefit the company. Information on this type of tuition reimbursement is usually found in company policy handbooks or employee handbooks.

Short courses may teach someone the fundamentals of a new hobby.
Short courses may teach someone the fundamentals of a new hobby.

Sometimes people take short courses in order to boost their skills before beginning new job searches. This can be especially important if there is a new kind of technology in a person's field with which he should be better acquainted before trying to find a new position. Having extra skills is often a way to distinguish oneself in the interview process and improve one's chances of getting the job. Also, having additional skills can often help people to boost their salaries if their skills are seen as valuable in the eyes of their employers or future employers.

Diane Goettel
Diane Goettel

In addition to her work as a freelance writer for WiseGEEK, Diane is the executive editor of Black Lawrence Press, an independent publishing company based in upstate New York. She has also edited several anthologies, the e-newsletter Sapling, and The Adirondack Review. Diane has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and an M.A. from Brooklyn College.

Diane Goettel
Diane Goettel

In addition to her work as a freelance writer for WiseGEEK, Diane is the executive editor of Black Lawrence Press, an independent publishing company based in upstate New York. She has also edited several anthologies, the e-newsletter Sapling, and The Adirondack Review. Diane has a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College and an M.A. from Brooklyn College.

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Discussion Comments


@spotiche5- You should call around to the different investing firms and banks in your area. Quite often, these businesses offer free courses in investing to help their clients save and grow their wealth. They are also usually open to people who aren't clients yet, but may decide to invest with the company once they participate in the course and learn the best ways to grow their money.

Taking a friend along with you to a short course in finance is a good idea. It will give you someone to share ideas with, and will also be good bonding time.


I was wondering where I might be able to find a short course on finance and investing. I think that the majority of people don't understand how to manage money this way, and I am one of them. I would like to learn more in my free time, use the knowledge I learn to invest for my retirement.

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