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What are Some Common Job Interview Questions?

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

A job interview is a chance for a job applicant to put the best foot forward, impressing a potential employer with his or her abilities. By thinking about job interview questions ahead of time, job applicants can prepare themselves to handle their interviews more effectively. Ultimately, the person conducting the interview wants to know what the interviewee's experience is, if he or she will fit in with the company, and if he or she really wants the job and stands out above the competition. If you're looking for a job, do your homework and get a friend to hold a mock interview with some of the common job interview questions you will find below, as well as some of your own.

Job interview questions break down into a couple of categories. One category includes questions which are intended to show the interviewer how you work, and what kind of working conditions you enjoy. Some examples of these kinds of job interview questions include: “How well do you work with a team?” “How do you deal with conflict in the office?” “What are you looking for from a job?” “What are your long range career goals?” “Tell us about a difficult situation in your last job, and how you deal with it.” “What kind of hours/salary/benefits do you look for in a job?”

Clothes for an interview.
Clothes for an interview.

The interviewer will also ask job interview questions which are designed to open a window into your personality. These questions can be deal breakers, since they determine whether or not you will fit in with other employees. An interviewer might ask: “What would your former coworkers or bosses say about you?” “What's your favorite book?” “What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses?” “How do you handle mistakes?”

People typically will be asked to disclose if they have been fired in a job interview.
People typically will be asked to disclose if they have been fired in a job interview.

Other questions are intended to directly probe your work experience. An interviewer will ask about previous relevant employment, along with your experiences in other workplaces. If you have been fired from a job, you will need to disclose this, but if you think about the answer, you can turn it to your advantage. Don't say “I left company X because I was fired,” say “my supervisor decided that I was not a good fit with that company, but I think that certain traits would help me fit in really well with you,” and enumerate those traits.

Potential employers often want to know if an applicant has any questions for them.
Potential employers often want to know if an applicant has any questions for them.

Most employers also want to see how much you know about them. Read up on the companies you interview with so that you can answer questions about what the company does, people on the staff, and what you want to do with that company. You should also impress your interviewer with your desire for the position; if you are applying for other positions, try to minimize this fact, focusing on why working for the interviewer's company is your goal.

A job application is an opportunity to create a positive first impression with legible, easy-to-understand responses that succinctly highlight the applicant’s accomplishments.
A job application is an opportunity to create a positive first impression with legible, easy-to-understand responses that succinctly highlight the applicant’s accomplishments.

Finally, one of the most common job interview questions is “Do you have any questions for me?” This question is not an invitation to haggle about salary, benefits, or working hours, but it is a chance to impress the interviewer with your interest in the position. You could make yourself memorable by asking a distinctive question, or you could pose a question about the direction of the company's future or goals. Make sure to have a few questions of your own when you attend an interview, since the interview will end on a sour note if you respond to this question with “uh, no.”

Interviewees often have the chance to impress potential bosses by asking questions that show enthusiasm and interest in the job.
Interviewees often have the chance to impress potential bosses by asking questions that show enthusiasm and interest in the job.

After your job interview is concluded, make sure to thank the interviewer, and send written thank you notes to the people you interacted with including your interviewer and office staff. Try to customize these notes; if a secretary got you a glass of water, for example, say “Thank you for making me feel more comfortable in the office.”

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a WiseGEEK researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

Mary McMahon
Mary McMahon

Ever since she began contributing to the site several years ago, Mary has embraced the exciting challenge of being a WiseGEEK researcher and writer. Mary has a liberal arts degree from Goddard College and spends her free time reading, cooking, and exploring the great outdoors.

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Discussion Comments


@abiane - Sometimes it works out that way and it's not a great situation. The best you can do is move on and be grateful that they didn't ask any tough job interview questions. People are going to have to deal with you having a family whether they like it or not if they hire you. Good luck!


@Pimiento I have been on the other side of the fence as well and despite doing exactly what you have described, I didn't get a job because the lady thought my family was more important. While, yes, my family is and was more important and I pretty much didn't need (rather, I wanted) the job at the time, I hadn't really mentioned anything other than actually having children. I told her that my husband was unemployed even (and he was) and that he took care of the kids and any needs they had. Still nothing. I have tons of experience in Retail Management and what it came down to was connections. Which really makes me mad.


@Pimiento - It's really kind of annoying. But from the other perspective, I have been the one giving the interview and job questions and really it is information a manager should know. You should always go into an interview with honesty and integrity in your head. If you interview with some one and don't have these things in mind you're going to bomb. Guarantee it.


@bbpuff - I really dislike that, too, but there is also a lot of competition nowadays that won't even mention their families or college courses in order to get a job. Some women will go so far as to not mention a pregnancy. While people doing the interview can't legally ASK outright questions like this, they almost always find a way around it and are literally coached or trained to get the information out of you.


A lot of interviewers will tell you (afterward of course) that you should never put emphasis on anything other than being reliable for the job. Typical job interview questions will dig into your personal life and find out whether there are conflicts such as having a family or college classes that will prevent you from committing yourself fully to their company. While it's not advised to lie, you should always follow up a negative with a positive. Such as, "I have three children who are all in daycare and my husband takes care of drop off, pick up, and any hospital related emergencies or appointments."

This relieves the pressure off of you and makes it seem like having children won't be "a problem". It really annoys me, but this is especially true in retail.

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