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What are the Different Marketing PhD Programs?

P. Schroeder
P. Schroeder

A program for marketing doctor of philosophy (PhD) degrees can cover consumer behavioral processes and development of mathematical models that help students to understand and predict these behaviors. This is a very specialized education that will direct graduates toward universities and research facilities rather than the business arena. Focus areas of the different marketing PhD programs that are available include consumer behavior, social network marketing, brand and customer management and customer oriented innovation strategy. Programs also are offered that focus on international marketing, business-to-business marketing, high-tech marketing and new media marketing.

A PhD degree prepares graduates to do research and investigation at the top universities and non-academic research centers. Marketing PhD programs encourage field research, as well as analytical, experimental and qualitative research. The programs will focus on all aspects of the consumer, including economic, behavioral and psychological aspects as well as how a business can deal with critical marketing issues.

All marketing PhD programs, no matter their area of focus, put great emphasis on original research and on publishing regularly in marketing journals.
All marketing PhD programs, no matter their area of focus, put great emphasis on original research and on publishing regularly in marketing journals.

Anyone who is considering entering one of the marketing PhD programs should consider looking very carefully at schools that offer the degree and determine which one not only fits his or her needs and lifestyle but also which one is going to provide a degree that will lead him or her toward attaining the highest career goals. For doctoral candidates, this often is the goal of obtaining a position at either a teaching university or one that is dedicated to research. The cost of completing one of the many marketing PhD programs can be high, but if it helps the student achieve his or her goals, it can be well worth the money.

Consumer psychology programs may look at how people make decisions on large purchases.
Consumer psychology programs may look at how people make decisions on large purchases.

There are many excellent schools, both private and public, that offer marketing PhD programs. There are many national and international programs that offer degrees to students who wish to aspire as either a teacher or researcher. The programs generally last four years and lead graduates into positions as faculty members in research-oriented schools of business or positions as researchers at non-academic facilities. All marketing PhD programs, no matter their area of focus, put great emphasis on original research and on publishing regularly in marketing journals.

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