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What are the Different Outside Sales Jobs?

Patti Kate
Patti Kate

Outside sales jobs may involve selling products and services of all kinds. Some outside sales jobs are marketing jobs and outside sales representative jobs. Although the title may differ, an outside sales consultant may have the same job duties as the sales representative.

Some outside sales jobs involve the sales of a service. An outside sales representative for an insurance company is an example of a job like this. This job will typically involve some traveling, as do most outside sales jobs. The individual employed in this work is a sales professional, typically licensed to sell insurance. Such a job will generally require an extensive training program before the individual may sell a service or product.

An outside sales job may lead to a more advanced position like account executive.
An outside sales job may lead to a more advanced position like account executive.

Much of the training involved in insurance outside sales will typically be hands on, where the individual can gain experience out in the field. While many jobs involve what is known as cold calling or cold canvassing, some representatives may be presented with a list of leads, or potential clients or customers. Some of these jobs also involve selling services and products to businesses and large companies.

Some duties associated with outside sales jobs may include soliciting memberships and contracts, as well as collecting payments.
Some duties associated with outside sales jobs may include soliciting memberships and contracts, as well as collecting payments.

Outside sales jobs may also lead to a promotion to a higher position, such as account executive. These are consultants who create and develop new concepts, innovations, and strategies for selling their merchandise or services. Account executives will usually have years of experience in selling, which may involve both inside sales and cold calling.

Another type of outside sales job is what is known as a sales territory manager. This work may involve food services or any other type of merchandise. Some degree of negotiating with distributors and dealers may be involved in this job. The individual who holds this type of position is generally limited to one area within his local district. He may train new personnel in the field as well as in the office.

Securing an outside sales job in insurance may require completing an extensive training program.
Securing an outside sales job in insurance may require completing an extensive training program.

Many individuals who work in outside sales jobs do not receive a weekly salary, but work on commission and bonuses. Some outside sales representatives receive a salary plus commission. Other outside sales jobs may involve selling door-to-door. An example of this type of work is a sales representative who sells memberships to a cable company, Internet service provider, or mobile phone carrier. Another outside sales job may involve selling memberships to an automobile agency that provides roadside assistance and other services.

Some duties associated with outside sales jobs may include soliciting memberships and contracts, as well as collecting payments. Demonstrating products may be another requirement for the outside sales representative. This job in outside sales may be known as a product demonstrator.

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