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What Are the Different Types of Banking Courses?

Helen Akers
Helen Akers

Banking courses cover topics directly related to investments, lending and retail banking operations. Professional certifications are available for banking and mortgage professionals who wish to enter the industry, learn a new specialization or update their credentials. In addition to banking courses that pertain to consumer products, there are also classes that deal specifically with commercial investments and lending.

Most banking courses are continuing education credits that individuals take beyond a four year college degree program. These courses may be taken to supplement a generalist business administration degree, while some colleges may offer these courses as electives. Finance and accounting majors will usually be exposed to banking courses and subject matter at some point in their degree program.

Most banking courses are continuing education credits that individuals take beyond a four-year degree program.
Most banking courses are continuing education credits that individuals take beyond a four-year degree program.

Investments are one of the main types of banking courses. Students may study how to advise consumers about retirement planning, portfolio diversification and investment strategies. Those who wish to become certified financial planners may take courses that lead towards the licensing requirements that they need to sell and recommend investment securities. Commercial investment courses educate professionals on managing assets and large capital investments for small businesses or large corporations.

Retail banking courses typically cover the operations side of the industry.
Retail banking courses typically cover the operations side of the industry.

Financial advisers who work for large investment firms may help manage the retirement plans for the employees of major corporations or help administer stock option award plans. Banking courses that deal directly with commercial investments help students develop the knowledge and skills needed to help oversee these types of savings plans. Students may also learn some of the more risky forms of investment strategies, such as hedging.

Some bankers have completed extra coursework in order to better help customers with retirement planning.
Some bankers have completed extra coursework in order to better help customers with retirement planning.

Another type of banking course deals directly with mortgages. Future and current banking professionals become acquainted with the mortgage lending and underwriting process. National laws that govern the approval process and the necessary steps that need to be taken are covered in these courses. Most future mortgage underwriters and originators need to meet local licensing requirements, which these classes help prepare them for.

Some banking courses may cover the topic of online banking.
Some banking courses may cover the topic of online banking.

Retail banking courses typically cover the operations side of the industry. Professionals may learn how to manage retail banking locations, develop sound customer service and selling skills, deal with deposits and ensure employee safety. Students may learn about the various products that retail banking locations can offer. Some of those products include vehicle and personal loans, deposit accounts, credit cards, individual retirement plans and insurance.

Classes that cover retail operations may also deal with up and coming trends, especially in mobile and online banking. As technology becomes integrated into a retail bank's service and delivery, employees must continue to stay educated on what can be offered to the customer. Employees also need to be aware of how the technology works so they can accurately address consumer questions and concerns.

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Any student who is planning on a career in banking should include a banking course on credit card debt in his or her coursework. Knowledge of different types of credit card policies will help a financial adviser provide the best advice to his or her clients.

A banking student should also take a course on how to keep customers who use online banking safe from identity thieves. Since online and mobile banking is so popular today, it is important that people who use it realize the risks. A good banker will offer this advice to his or her clients.


Another type of banking courses that are popping up in communities around the country are those that teach basic banking and saving skills. Many young people lack these skills completely, which can lead to indebtedness and even bankruptcies that could be avoided. Older people may lack the skills to save for the future. These classes aim to change these problems.

Anyone from new high school graduates to senior citizens can benefit from these basic banking courses. Whether a person wants to learn how to use a savings account, how to prevent extreme credit card debt, or how to save for retirement, he or she can benefit from taking one of these classes.

Another good thing about basic banking courses is that they are usually offered for free from banks or social service agencies.

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