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What are the Different Types of Business Plaques?

Nicole Long
Nicole Long

Business plaques focus on rewarding employees, vendors, and customers for extraordinary accomplishments and milestones. Plaques are available to honor career achievements, dedication, encouragement, and contests. In addition, plaques can be used to showcase company-wide innovations and successes.

Plaques can be placed on display by hanging them on office walls or sitting them on desks. Doing so allows visitors and coworkers to recognize the achievements of those essential to the operation of the corporation. Plaques often make mention of the achievement, list the employee’s name, and mark the date of the achievement through methods including brass nameplates, certificates, and engraving.

Plaques are often awarded to dedicated employees.
Plaques are often awarded to dedicated employees.

Awards can be made out of various materials. Wood, stone, and acrylic are just a few of the material options. Options for attachments and inserts depend on the type of material chosen for the plaque. For instance, acrylic awards can be used to encase objects such as company logo pieces including buttons, pins and medals.

The attainment of career goals represents a key reason for business recognition. This includes achievements such as salesperson of the year and promotions to managerial positions. Plaques marking achievements such as meeting targeted goals, initiating change and discovering innovative ways to do business also represent reasons for business plaques.

Contests intended to increase teamwork may offer an opportunity to award participants with business plaques.
Contests intended to increase teamwork may offer an opportunity to award participants with business plaques.

Service awards rank among the popular options for employee recognition. This can include awards recognizing length of service, retirement, or perfect attendance. Business plaques honoring service can honor individuals or departments. This kind of recognition provides a supportive and encouraging atmosphere to help employees reach full potential.

Contests intended to increase teamwork, dedication, and motivation also offer an opportunity to award participants with business plaques. Plaques can recognize those who succeed at various challenges such as reducing costs, meeting departmental goals, and serving as a leader for new initiatives. These business plaques can be presented at company or team meetings.

Plaques may be given to employees who have attained specific career goals.
Plaques may be given to employees who have attained specific career goals.

Company-wide recognition provides an opportunity to display company achievements through the use of business plaques. Recognition from the community for donating to social causes and being a positive force within the local area can be presented on a business plaque. Plaques can include framed photographs and other mementos.

Business plaques can also be used to honor suppliers and distinguished clients during award banquets. Suppliers that consistently deliver quality supplies in a timely manner are often recognized with an award. For suppliers, business plaques can be directed towards an individual representative, a specific team or an entire corporation.

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