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What Are the Different Types of Career Opportunities for Women?

M. Kayo
M. Kayo

There have never been as many career opportunities for women in the work place as exist in the early 21st century. Women can and do work in every sector of the workforce, and there are some particularly interesting career opportunities for women that seem to be more popular than others. Some of the more popular career opportunities for women are forensic scientist, pharmacist, public relations worker, market researcher, and designer. Employers are looking past the gender stereotypes of the past, and women have devised ways to balance the responsibilities of work and family, pursuing careers that are both fulfilling and financially rewarding.

As more women choose to pursue careers in science, forensic science seems to be one of the more popular career opportunities for women. According to experts, the field of forensic science is becoming a career field largely dominated by women. It is reported that women prefer the cooperative work environment of a crime lab to the more competitive academic lab environment. Television has made its own contribution to this phenomenon by portraying women as smart, bright and successful in the pursuit of their on-screen crime lab duties.

Forensic science is one popular career choice for women.
Forensic science is one popular career choice for women.

The fast growing pharmaceutical industry is becoming one of the more popular career opportunities for women. This career path requires a great deal of time and education — about six years of school and training. The financial rewards, however, include a starting salary that is substantially above average.

Public relations is another one of the more popular career choices for women. Due to rapidly changing media markets, the decreasing newspaper industry, and the increase of web-based media, this area is experiencing growth. Those women who understand the importance and power of accessing information and sharing information online will do well on this career path.

A student who is interested in a career in financial services might want to consider amasters of business administration (MBA) degree.
A student who is interested in a career in financial services might want to consider amasters of business administration (MBA) degree.

Market research is also a popular career for women. Many senior-level managers and executives in this industry earn a six-figure salary. Those women who are entering this field claim that it plays to their strengths of having a keen sense for detail and the ability to communicate and relate to many different kinds of people.

Graphic design has always been one of the more popular career choices for women and continues to be, even though much of the field has become web-based. The web is a visually-based medium, so animation and video designers are needed to fill the demand for video content.

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