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What are the Different Types of College Jobs?

G. Wiesen
G. Wiesen

There are many different types of college jobs available for those interested in working at a college or university. Some of the most common jobs on a college campus are those for professors, which often involve teaching classes, sitting on various college boards, and performing research and writing papers. There are also jobs that include various support functions, such as the staff that operate admissions, financial aid, and registration as well as individuals involved in campus cleaning and repair. Other college jobs are often used as employment opportunities for students at the school, such as work in bookstores, libraries, and similar environments.

College jobs are employment opportunities that exist on a college campus or university. One of the most competitive and common college jobs is a position as a teacher or similar faculty member. This usually begins with a professor who is hired by a college or university to teach classes, and can include different levels of professorship and advancement on various academic boards within a department. A college professor will typically work toward becoming a dean for a department or a particular school, and retaining a professorship can require extensive research and work outside of teaching to publish papers and continue various scholarly endeavors.

Colleges hire both tenure track and visiting professors.
Colleges hire both tenure track and visiting professors.

There are also a number of college jobs that involve staff members who are not teachers and who are often involved in school operations or maintaining a college campus. The staff members who work in admissions, registration, and financial aid do not usually have a background in education or teaching, but instead work in a more administrative capacity. This can also include a number of individuals who do not work directly with students, but file paperwork or are employed in data entry. There are also college jobs for individuals in sanitation and maintenance, which usually involve cleaning campuses and classrooms and performing maintenance such as replacing light bulbs, repairing desks and chairs, and providing computer technical support.

College have staff who work in retail settings, such as the campus bookstore.
College have staff who work in retail settings, such as the campus bookstore.

Some college jobs are often reserved for students who may be looking for part-time work on a college campus. These jobs are often referred to as “work study” positions and allow students to find work that will provide them with a work schedule that still allows them to attend classes. These positions can include administrative assistants in different departments, workers in the library and bookstore, and assistants in science labs and greenhouses. There are also college jobs reserved for graduate students such as teaching assistants and research assistants.

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You can also work for campus organizations, student clubs and events. Although some of these positions are voluntary, Universities also need a lot of technical assistance, both for events and classroom support.

Especially engineering students are interested in these positions.

I think it's really best to look for a job that is related to your degree since you will enjoy that a lot more. But it may also be the case that it is not available.

At my university for example, all of the teaching assistance and research assistance jobs were taken by graduate students.

But there were still opportunities for undergraduates. I, for example, worked for the front desk of my program. I answered calls from prospective students and relayed messages to professors. Working in the office of my program was great because I got to learn more about my professors and their work. I also found out about the issues and daily administrative functions of the office.


The great thing about college jobs like library and office work, assisting a professor or working at a computer lab is that it is perfectly accommodating to the students' studies.

The university employers do their best not to contradict work times with classes. They are also understanding if you need to take a day off to study for a final or finish a project as long as you tell them beforehand.

College jobs will not restrict your school responsibilities since there is usually a 20 hour per week limit to work. If you can work for a Professor, teach a course or take up an administrative job, it will also look great on your resume.


My freshman year in college, I worked for the dining and catering services. Many students started out with positions at diners and campus cafes because they always needed employees. It was also a great way to meet other students and make new friends.

In the next three years, I worked at a printing center on campus. This was the ideal job for me. It was fun because I got to learn how to use different printers and differentiate between papers and printing materials.

When it was not busy, I could also do reading for class or work on an assignment.

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