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What are the Different Types of Competency Software?

D. Nelson
D. Nelson

Competency software is any kind of computer program that is used by businesses or other organizations in the hiring and recruitment process. While this kind of software is normally associated with Human Resources (HR), it may be used by any department with an interest in optimizing the performances and efficiency of employees or team members. In general, there are two kinds of competency software. The first assists in the recruitment process, allowing HR representatives to match candidates with job descriptions. The second type of competency software is designed to train new hires in learning about their jobs.

Performance improvement is a primary concern of competency software. Managers or team leaders may decide to incorporate these programs when they feel that a certain department has been falling behind or when certain employees seem to be struggling to achieve mandatory goals. The software allows the employees to revisit key concepts and practice necessary skills in order to develop job performance.

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Woman holding a disc

The second common use of competency software is to train new employees. Many professionals who utilize these programs believe that they are much more cost efficient than conventional training. Instead of providing new recruits with literature and taking them through relevant processes step by step, competency software allows trainers and HR representatives to test and train new employees without having to depend on extra manpower. The software tests knowledge level and skill level, allowing trainers to make sure that the new recruits have gained a required level of proficiency.

HR representatives may also use competency software throughout the recruitment process. This kind of software can be incorporated throughout each of the stages of recruitment. For example, an HR representative or hiring manager can first enter job descriptions into the program. As each candidate applies, he or she may be asked to complete an exam that tests emotional intelligence or overall business competency. The computer assists the hiring manager in placing eligible recruits with the best job description fits.

Some kinds of competency software may also provide solutions for compensation. These types of software are often used by recruiters and HR representatives who want to attract the best candidates for the job openings they are attempting to fill. Software that focuses on developing compensation solutions matches expected salaries with the potential job candidates by considering factors such as relevant work experience, education, and scores on competency exams offered by the software.

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