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What Are the Different Types of Construction Business Ideas?

Osmand Vitez
Osmand Vitez

Construction business ideas are some of the most common operations one can start in an economy. The wide variety of options allows an individual to specialize in a specific construction type. A few common ideas include subcontracting, project management, and construction site cleaning. Many other options may be available, depending on the construction industry in a specific geographic area. Having some knowledge in construction is helpful as it allows individuals to present themselves as experienced when working with other local businesses.

Subcontracting is one of the most common types of construction business ideas in a market. Individuals can select one type of construction service in which to specialize and work tasks associated with it. For example, interior and exterior painting is a common subcontracting service. Others include interior woodwork, floors, or windows. These construction business services often work in tandem with larger services, such as general contractors.

Working with the government to help manage infrastructure-related construction is one type of construction business idea.
Working with the government to help manage infrastructure-related construction is one type of construction business idea.

Project management is a type of general contractor business service. A construction company can offer services for a specific type of managerial service that allows a company to outsource project management. These construction business ideas can also be heavily specialized. Types of services here may be commercial or residential in nature. Another common type of project management service can be working with the government to help manage any type of infrastructure-related construction.

Construction site cleaning represents construction business ideas where an individual creates a company that does small jobs on site.
Construction site cleaning represents construction business ideas where an individual creates a company that does small jobs on site.

Construction site cleaning represents construction business ideas where an individual creates a company that does small jobs on site. Tasks here would be cleaning up unused material, removing waste to dumps, and cleaning general construction areas to ensure the safety of all who work the site. These services may be profitable as major construction companies do not desire to spend time on these ancillary tasks. A cleaning service may also require the least amount of construction knowledge because the tasks are fairly simple to complete. The company may need insurance and bonding, however, to prove its legitimacy and persuade construction companies to hire the service.

Some construction businesses focus on residential remodel projects.
Some construction businesses focus on residential remodel projects.

Any one of these construction business ideas may require the use of multiple teams or a large group of employees. This ensures that the new business idea can accept multiple assignments and finish them in a timely manner. For example, some construction projects may be quite lengthy overall. Devoting a large number of employees to these projects can reduce the time spent on other projects. Proper research and planning can help the company accept many jobs in order to remain profitable.

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Discussion Comments


@indigomoth - The problem is that these days a lot of skilled labor comes from other countries and they are willing to work harder than local construction workers, so they take the jobs. The only solution is to try and be more of an expert, or try to undercut them, or move to somewhere with so many jobs that it's easy to get one.

Personally, rather than start a business, I'd rather stay as a freelancer, as I think it's easier to get work if you are willing to take on smaller jobs.


@pleonasm - There might be more work in the wake of a disaster, but that doesn't mean that there isn't plenty of work for people who know what they're doing when there isn't a boom.

There's always going to be some work going, it's just a matter of fitting the business to the needs of the local area.


The rate of construction work available really depends on the area and local events. Unless you strike it lucky, if you're determined to be in construction you really need to be prepared to go where the work is.

For example, after a natural disaster, there is obviously going to be a lot of construction work going, and in fact one of the major problems following a really big one is lack of workers and businesses to fill in the gaps.

The problem is that after a few years the jobs will dry up again and all the companies that swelled up to take advantage of the situation will go out of business if they don't find somewhere else to go.

If you can manage to keep yourself mobile you're much better off, since you'll be able to move to where the work is happening.

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