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What Are the Different Types of EHR Jobs?

Geri Terzo
Geri Terzo

The health care field is one in which records and documents containing sensitive information must continually be kept, filed, and updated. Some medical offices adhere to a traditional system where physical folders are maintained, but electronic health records (EHR) are a compelling way to store the same information. Electronic files occupy less physical space and may be retrieved with the greatest amount of speed in comparison with traditional filing systems. EHR jobs may involve the transfer of information from a traditional storage facility to the computer.

Medical technicians are among the health care industry professionals who fulfill EHR jobs. These individuals must coordinate with other medical staff, including doctors and nurses, to update electronic files containing relevant information on patients. Individuals must also be familiar with the latest regulations that are enforced to protect sensitive information.

Privacy must be maintained throughout the transfer of medical records to electronic systems.
Privacy must be maintained throughout the transfer of medical records to electronic systems.

Privacy must be maintained throughout the transfer of medical records to electronic systems. Data that might be entered into an electronic platform is often critically sensitive information surrounding patients, hospitals, and employees. As a result, professionals who pursue EHR jobs should expect to achieve a certain level of training, possibly administered by an employer, so that regulatory and industry standards are used. Once those privacy measures are understood, however, the potential for EHR jobs could open up further for an individual.

Medical office administrators may work with electronic health records filed by doctors on a tablet or computer.
Medical office administrators may work with electronic health records filed by doctors on a tablet or computer.

Providing education to administrative staff and other personnel could be part of the responsibilities for individuals in EHR jobs. Owners and operators of hospitals throughout a country may need to fill roles that support the implementation and integration of new electronic systems throughout all medical facility locations, for instance. Educators and consultants may get involved to prepare others on how to use electronic filing solutions and may also weigh in on the types of programs that are best suited for each facility. These individuals may also need to educate medical staff on the latest regulations regarding privacy so that personal information remains confidential despite the number of people, including patients or sales representatives, who may be near.

Electronic health records may be used in lieu of physical patient files.
Electronic health records may be used in lieu of physical patient files.

EHR jobs in the information technology (IT) arena are other possibilities for professionals in this field. As pharmacies, for instance, update or upgrade technology systems to new standards, IT product analysts might be needed to determine the most appropriate solutions for these businesses to use or to design tailored products. Applicants may need to have prior experience with EHR software specifically in order to be eligible for these opportunities. Pharmacists must become acquainted with electronic systems as customer records and files containing health insurance and medical information are retrieved.

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