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What are the Different Youth Counselor Jobs?

Kasey James
Kasey James

Most people are familiar with youth counselor jobs in a school system or in a local church, but there are many other places that use youth counselors. Child care facilities, youth camps, and even cruise ships hire youth counselors to work with children and teenagers attending these programs. There are various responsibilities for a counselor depending on the environment he or she is working in.

A daycare often has youth counselor jobs available to work with the older children. The counselors are responsible for the activities and games that the children will play at the daycare. They may also help with homework if the daycare has an after-school program. Youth counselors can help mediate problems with friends or other children at the daycare.

Youth counselors may work with children to overcome separation anxieties.
Youth counselors may work with children to overcome separation anxieties.

Youth camps usually have youth counselor jobs available for the length of the camp. Many camps are held during the summer, and the youth counselors and campers will live on site. Counselors will work with the children and teenagers at the camp by supervising camp activities and leading group discussions.

Many cruise ships offer a day camp for children and a day program for teenagers. Cruise lines list youth counselor jobs to find young adults that will run the youth programs on the ship. Even though the responsibilities are similar to a camp counselor, cruise ships differ in the fact that counselors live on ship for months at a time. They run a similar program each time new guests board the ship.

Youth counselors may have to discipline children who have disruptive behavior.
Youth counselors may have to discipline children who have disruptive behavior.

Youth counselor jobs in a school can be much more demanding. School-based counselors often work with a team of child psychologists and social workers to help at-risk youth with life problems. They often advise students on how to deal with issues at home, school issues, or social problems. Some schools require counselors to make home visits when necessary.

Youth counselors may help children recover from traumatic experiences.
Youth counselors may help children recover from traumatic experiences.

It is possible to find youth counselor jobs in churches as well. The counselors that work in this environment deal with similar social issues, but use religion to help children and teenagers solve their problems. Church youth counselors have to have a background in counseling, but also theology.

Most youth counselors jobs will require a high school diploma. Many of these jobs will require a college degree in social work or an equivalent major. A history of working with older adolescents and teenagers may help. Counselors will work various hours depending upon the job placement.

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