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What does a Divemaster do?

Cassie L. Damewood
Cassie L. Damewood

A divemaster is the person in charge of recreational scuba diving groups. The setting may involve diving off a boat or from the shore. Both situations require the him to confidently lead the divers off the boat or shore and safely guide them through the water. The job often involves diving and equipment instruction, issuing various diving certifications and managing a dive shop.

The job entails organizing daily dives, often as part of a tourist package. These dives also frequently are a prerequisite to advanced training being considered by one or more divers in the group. The divemaster organizes the divers and informs them of the rules and guidelines governing the dive. He makes sure their gear is set up properly and their wetsuits are securely and correctly worn.

Divemasters are familiar with all phases of dive operations, including underwater navigation and scuba equipment maintenance.
Divemasters are familiar with all phases of dive operations, including underwater navigation and scuba equipment maintenance.

When he is not leading diving groups, the divemaster is regularly required to assist instructors in diving education. He may also serve as a certified instructional assistant to the Professional Associate of Diving Instructors (PADI) or supervise divers enrolled in PADI experience programs designed for uncertified divers. He is also qualified to teach and issue certifications to skin divers and snorkelers.

Divemasters must be familiar with first aid procedures.
Divemasters must be familiar with first aid procedures.

Public relations and retail management can also be part of the job of divemaster. He often is required to assist the dive shop manager or head instructor in greeting diving customers and making sure their registration and payment documents are in order. After the divers are registered, he may give them equipment and explains how it works. He familiarizes them with the boat and explains what the underwater excursion will entail. An accurate roster generally is prepared by the divemaster to keep track of the divers from the beginning to the end of the experience.

Divemasters may oversee the storage and maintenance of scuba equipment.
Divemasters may oversee the storage and maintenance of scuba equipment.

Divemaster is a generic term commonly used in reference to a person in charge of recreational diving groups, but also refers to the lowest professional rating issued by most professional diving training agencies. It is normally the certification required as a prerequisite to becoming a full-fledged recreational diving instructor. As is true with most levels of diving instructor training, it involves both classroom and hands-on training.

Becoming a divemaster requires the completion of several training courses. These requirements include completing an open water diver course, advanced open water diver course and basic diver course. A minimum of 60 logged dives generally is necessary, along with completion of first aid and CPR training.

Diving is a popular sport around the world and a recreational diving business requires little more than deep water, diving equipment and a certified instructor. The job of divemaster is appealing to those who seek international travel and have a love of water and underwater experiences. Training and employment opportunities are available at almost any seashore easily accessible to tourists.

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