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What Does a Fleet Manager Do?

Misty Amber Brighton
Misty Amber Brighton

Companies who need to manage a large number of vehicles often hire a fleet manager. This individual can be responsible for dispatching vehicles to workers at the beginning of a shift and making sure they are returned as scheduled. Another part of this job could involve washing and cleaning the vehicles or scheduling them for routine maintenance. In the event of an accident, this individual may be called on to file insurance claims and obtain repair estimates.

One thing that is typically included in a fleet manager job description is dispatching vehicles. This individual may be called on to sign out vehicles to employees who need to utilize this asset. He might do this by logging the vehicle number, driver's name, and time into a special database. The manager sometimes chooses a vehicle for the employee, but may assign a worker to one on a permanent basis in some instances.

A fleet manager makes sure oil changes are performed regularly.
A fleet manager makes sure oil changes are performed regularly.

Vehicles need to be kept clean, so one of the fleet manager duties may involve doing tidying up. A manager may wash and vacuum automobiles or oversee a crew that is responsible for this. He may schedule this cleaning to be done on a rotational basis, or it could be done whenever vehicles are returned from being dispatched.

Companies need to make sure their vehicles are properly maintained in order to keep them running smoothly. This means a fleet manager might schedule regular services such as oil changes and tire rotations. Some companies conduct this work on-site, while others outsource these services. If maintenance is outsourced, this manager may maintain relations with the mechanics and negotiate the terms of a contract with them.

A fleet manager ensures tires are rotated regularly.
A fleet manager ensures tires are rotated regularly.

In the event an employee has an accident in a company vehicle, there are many reports that will need to be filed. One of the fleet manager duties could be to obtain police reports from an accident and file these with an insurance carrier. Should the vehicle need to be repaired, the manager may be asked to visit local body shops in order to get estimates.

Fleet managers work with first responder services to maintain ambulance and other emergency vehicles.
Fleet managers work with first responder services to maintain ambulance and other emergency vehicles.

People who work in this capacity often need to supervise workers, so one of the fleet manager requirements is usually managerial experience. A high school diploma is generally all the education needed, but an associate's degree in business management could also be helpful. Many companies require a clean driving record, as this individual may have to operate company vehicles on a regular basis.

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