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What Does a Marketing Communications Manager Do?

Nick Mann
Nick Mann

Working as a marketing communications manager is fitting for a person with great interpersonal skills, a keen business sense and a knack for advertising. These individuals typically oversee the marketing aspects of a brand or business, and strive to achieve brand awareness. To be effective, a person in this position must have knowledge of numerous subjects, including online marketing, offline marketing and managing a customer base. Some fundamental job duties of this position include monitoring competitors, acquiring and training staff members, developing marketing strategies, implementing marketing strategies and analyzing results.

Monitoring competitors is one of the most essential responsibilities of a marketing communications manager. To stay ahead of the competition, it's vital for an individual to always be aware of several things. These include competitors' products or services, prices, special deals and advertising techniques. Analyzing these business aspects helps the manager to stay ahead of the game and optimize his company's marketing strategy.

A marketing communications manager may create an infomercial for a particular product.
A marketing communications manager may create an infomercial for a particular product.

Another job duty involves acquiring and training staff members. To provide a company with the highest potential for success, it's vital for a marketing communications manager to assemble a knowledgeable staff of people with advertising expertise. To build his team, he will usually interview applicants and bring the best candidates on board. After the hiring process, he will train staff members on the policies of his company and provide resources to further staff knowledge. Consequently, an individual will need effective decision making and leadership skills.

Marketing communications managers may determine which publications to put advertisements in.
Marketing communications managers may determine which publications to put advertisements in.

Developing marketing strategies is perhaps the single most important part of being a marketing communications manager. To ensure his company's success, he must be on the cutting edge of advertising and continually develop effective techniques. In most cases, this involves paying attention to customer demographics and customer needs to create efficient marketing campaigns. To stay ahead of the competition, he will often experiment with new ideas.

Marketing communications managers look for new ways to reach out to customers.
Marketing communications managers look for new ways to reach out to customers.

Once some feasible marketing strategies have been developed, it's the responsibility of a marketing communications manager to implement those strategies. For example, he may set up an Internet ad campaign, create a promotional website, create a pamphlet or film an infomercial for a particular product. In most cases, he will employ numerous techniques to increase the odds of success.

A marketing communication manager may regularly meet with copywriters, designers and other staff.
A marketing communication manager may regularly meet with copywriters, designers and other staff.

An additional part of this job involves analyzing the results of each marketing campaign. To prevent frivolous spending and capitalize on efficient advertising, it's necessary for a marketing communications manager to know what works and what doesn't. For this practice, he may analyze sales data, track website analytics and track customer demographics. Knowing this information will help him with future marketing strategies.

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