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What Does a Service Desk Analyst Do?

D. Nelson
D. Nelson

A service desk analyst is a professional who provides technical assistance to customers and employees. In most cases, he or she is an information technology (IT) professional who specializes in troubleshooting and repairing all computer and telecommunication systems used by a company. A service desk analyst either can be an in-house employee who is hired directly by a company or a member of an IT firm that is contracted by a client business.

One of the most important duties of a service desk analyst is to organize user complaints and concerns. Generally speaking, an analyst might communicate with users either by telephone or via a web-based interface. When a user calls in, an analyst might be responsible for recording data related to an issue in a proper database. In some cases, help desk software can be used to streamline phone calls. For example, a service desk analyst might use a computer generated script that allows him or her automatically to record technology issues as he or she takes a call.

A service desk analyst provides technical assistance to customers and employees of a company.
A service desk analyst provides technical assistance to customers and employees of a company.

A web-based user interface is a software function that enables users to write directly to a service desk analyst. For example, if a user is having trouble using technology that he or she purchased, he or she can go to a manufacturer or vendor website, access a service desk interface, and describe his or her complaint. A service desk analyst might engage in online chat with a user, write him or her an email, or in some cases contact a user by telephone.

A computer service technician can provide installation of hardware on a computer, as well as perform data recovery and troubleshooting of software issues for a customer.
A computer service technician can provide installation of hardware on a computer, as well as perform data recovery and troubleshooting of software issues for a customer.

Aside from documenting user issues, a service desk analyst also inspects equipment when problems are reported and solves problems when possible. In some cases, an analyst can diagnose and solve basic problems by communicating with users via telephone or web interface. When basic troubleshooting steps do not solve a problem, an analyst has a number of options. If the user experiencing problems is an employee located within the same facility, an analyst can personally inspect his or her software or hardware and either solve a problem or order a repair or replacement. When helping a user remotely, an analyst can recommend service centers.

A service desk analyst is in a position to observe operational and customer satisfaction issues. For this reason, he or she might be responsible for meeting with IT management to report recurring problems. This responsibility makes an analyst a potentially important part of any customer driven model. By accurately reporting areas where users experience problems, an analyst can lead managers and designers to produce new technology without these same shortcomings.

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