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What Does an Enrollment Coordinator Do?

Laura M. Sands
Laura M. Sands

An enrollment coordinator helps students follow procedures regarding course selections and goal setting in order to accomplish educational goals. Individuals working in this capacity also work closely with other administrative staff, such as admissions and financial aid representatives. An enrollment coordinator may also be required to represent a school at various meetings and off-campus recruitment events.

The precise duties of a coordinator may vary, but each person in this position is required to help people coming into an organization navigate their way through the process of enrollment. Enrollment coordinator jobs are very important to schools in that people in these positions are directly responsible for helping colleges and other academic institutions maintain or increase student enrollment numbers. Enrollment coordinators are also important in helping a school retain students by making sure that students and their families understand a school’s policies and all expectations required of a student.

An enrollment coordinator helps students follow procedures regarding course selections.
An enrollment coordinator helps students follow procedures regarding course selections.

Some of the duties commonly put forth in an enrollment coordinator job description include helping students complete the enrollment process, which includes the completion of all necessary documentation, identifying a major course of study and selecting courses appropriate for graduation or toward earning a degree in a particular subject. A coordinator is often the first relationship that a student establishes with a school so coordinators should always represent a school in the best possible light when interacting with the community and individual students. Other general enrollment coordinator requirements may include supervising and coordinating other staff members to assure that a student is properly enrolled in a school.

An enrollment coordinator helps student s with the application process.
An enrollment coordinator helps student s with the application process.

While enrollment coordinators are likely to work with a variety of school staff members, including teachers and administrative staff members, admissions representatives and financial aid representatives, in particular, usually work very closely with coordinators. It is not unusual, in fact, for people working in admissions and financial aid departments to be under the direct supervision of this type of coordinator. An enrollment coordinator also sometimes works with other departments in preparing and sharing reports and fundraising or preparing grants for special projects.

An enrollment coordinator may be responsible for participating in public speaking engagements.
An enrollment coordinator may be responsible for participating in public speaking engagements.

In addition to enrollment assistance, enrollment coordinator duties often require marketing and public relations work on behalf of a school. Working in this capacity, a coordinator may be required to participate in student recruitment events, including public speaking engagements at off-campus locations in an effort to attract potential students to a school. Enrollment coordinator requirements, therefore, include being persuasive communicators and being able to convey information in a way that students and parents can easily understand. Coordinators must also be well-versed in a school’s policies and academic requirements to correctly answer questions that a prospective student may have about a school.

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