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What Factors Determine Sales Force Effectiveness?

Felicia Dye
Felicia Dye

A sales team's attitudes toward the products and services that they sell will determine how effective they are. The same is true with regards to their attitudes toward themselves. Enthusiasm and professionalism generally have a major impact on sales force effectiveness. Having a strong sales manager is also an important factor in the team's success.

Sales force effectiveness tends to be greatly impacted by the products and services that are being sold. It is very difficult for people to consistently do well selling items that they do not believe in. When potential clients interact with company representatives, they listen to what they are told and they measure the amount of certainty with which they are being given information. This means that each member of a successful sales team is knowledgeable and has conviction that what he is selling is worth the expense.

Those who appear shy or indecisive often do not excel in sales positions.
Those who appear shy or indecisive often do not excel in sales positions.

The type of confidence that the team members have in themselves also affect sales force effectiveness. A consumer's perception of a product or service is greatly affected by the source of the offer. People who appear to be shy, indecisive, or easily intimidated do not generally excel in sales. Selling often requires presenting a convincing presentation. Delivering such a presentation normally requires a person to display confidence by way of body language, eye contact and tone of voice.

The type of confidence that the team members have in themselves affect sales force effectiveness.
The type of confidence that the team members have in themselves affect sales force effectiveness.

Many consumers are perceptive of the attitudes that people have about their jobs. A sales team should be composed of people who can be described as enthusiastic. The energy that salesmen possess should be passed along to their clients. Positive results can not be expected from people who appear impartial to the outcome of their efforts to sell.

A lack of professionalism can put a damper on sales force effectiveness, even if the individuals possess other positive traits. Great sales personnel take their jobs seriously and they take their potential clients seriously. Professionalism is generally displayed in a person's dress and his demeanor. It is also portrayed in a person's choices. For example, a good sales person will carefully decide when he returns a call from a client, but a person who is unprofessional may call back anytime.

Positive body language often increases a salesperson's effectiveness.
Positive body language often increases a salesperson's effectiveness.

It is very important to realize that sales force effectiveness is generally dependent upon a great manager. An individual in this role should serve as more than an overseer or connection between the sales team and upper management. The manager should be a motivator and a guide. A sales force greatly benefits from a manager who has skills such as the ability to assess and interpret consumer behaviors, the ability to understand the impact of economic conditions and the ability to make and implement strategic plans.

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