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What Industries Have the Best Sales Job Openings?

Ken Black
Ken Black

The best sales job openings are very fluid and change seemingly overnight. Like many other things in sales, the process is always changing, making a job hunt or career search very complicated. One industry that is hot one week may go very cold the next week. The key is to search for job openings that have at least some amount of stability and interest for the salesperson.

Most importantly, when considering industries with the best sales job openings, it is first necessary for the potential applicant to understand a little about him or herself. The pay may be good and the leads may be strong for a particular job, but if the salesperson does not enjoy the type of industry he or she is in, that makes a huge difference. Therefore, limiting the search only to areas of interest may be appropriate.

Job applicants unsure of what industry they'd like to work in might benefit from temporary sales jobs.
Job applicants unsure of what industry they'd like to work in might benefit from temporary sales jobs.

For those who are unsure what types of sales jobs they make like, the best job openings in sales may be those which are temporary. Often, these may be somewhat easier to get as most people look for permanent employment. Further, it is a good way for a new person to get a foot in the door, just in case the sales job is one he or she finds appealing. Additionally, it is a good way to move around and find one that fits the individual's personality.

Healthcare sales jobs are very widespread.
Healthcare sales jobs are very widespread.

Another important thing, at least for many people, is to find sales job openings in industries that are fairly stable. As mentioned before, this can be an extremely difficult task to accomplish. Sales are often affected by the economy and, in tough economic times, even the best and most robust of industries can have slow periods.

However, there are some that are more recession-resistant than others. Healthcare sales, especially pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, can provide some very attractive sales job openings. Information technology sales jobs are also very stable much of time and in most places. These areas are not only stable in the United States, but overseas as well. A simple online job search will usually find dozens of opportunities, if not hundreds, in both of these fields.

Independent sales representatives sell products such as medications and other pharmaceutical supplies.
Independent sales representatives sell products such as medications and other pharmaceutical supplies.

Another thing to consider, especially for those just starting out, is finding sales job openings in industries that at least offer a base salary and are not based on a 100-percent commission model. Many pharmaceutical and IT sales jobs include a base salary, with commissions or bonuses awarded for performance. If it is not known how compensation is handled at the time one decides to apply for a job, the job interview is an appropriate time to inquire about that.

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Subway11- I totally agree. Salespeople especially those with relatively less experience need to expose themselves to all potential opportunities and not dismiss a potential job prospect because it does not involve their preferred product or service.


While it is true that pharmaceutical and medical equipment sales offer the best compensation and fringe benefits these positions are highly competitive and difficult for the an entry level applicant to obtain.

They often require a specialized science degree or significant experience in medical sales or related products with a proven track record.

Most of these jobs offer six figure salaries with car and mileage allowances, so many highly qualified people apply to these types of positions. A person interested in the field of sales must be willing to sell a variety of different products.

While it is easier to sell a product or service that you enjoy, the salesperson should not limit their options to simply such options.

Learning about a new industry or product may yield a lucrative career that the salesperson may not have thought about pursuing. Those with minimal to no experience need flexibility and realize that the sales process is the same regardless of the product or service.

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