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What is a Facilities Coordinator?

Ken Black
Ken Black

A facilities coordinator is responsible for maintaining the efficient and smooth operation of some type of physical job site. The exact duties of the coordinator may be different, based on the type of business. Most people in this position either work in the hospitality area, an office, or an industrial setting. The education for someone with this job often includes a minimum of an Associate's degree in business, or a similar field.

If in a hospitality setting such as a hotel, banquet hall, or sports arena, the facilities coordinator will often be responsible for planning events, making sure rooms are set up and food is ordered or being prepared. The coordinator is often the central point of contact between the clients and the business, and will handle any problems that come up both before and during scheduled events. A facilities coordinator in this capacity may also be referred to as an events coordinator.

A facilities coordinator of a banquet hall would be  in charge of making sure the rooms are set-up and the food is ordered.
A facilities coordinator of a banquet hall would be in charge of making sure the rooms are set-up and the food is ordered.

In an office setting, a facilities coordinator may also be called an office manager. In this case, the job of the coordinator is to ensure that office supplies are properly stocked, and that staff members report as scheduled. Making sure computers and other office machines are operating as expected is also a typical job duty. Often, this person will also be responsible for some aspects of budgeting, likely on an annual basis. The coordinator may determine the budget for staff and supplies.

A facilities coordinator is responsible for maintaining the efficient and smooth operation of some type of physical job site.
A facilities coordinator is responsible for maintaining the efficient and smooth operation of some type of physical job site.

An industrial setting offers some other challenges for a facilities coordinator. This individual may be responsible for not only making sure equipment is available and in proper working order, but also may be responsible for looking at safety standards. The safety aspect is very important, especially when it comes to official inspections, where violations could lead to substantial fines for the company, or even a suspension of operations.

While most facilities coordinators will have at least some amount of college, the amount required, and the major desired, by a company are often based on the particular job setting. Those who are looking at an industrial setting could need a very specialized major, perhaps even an industrial engineering degree. Others may find a degree in hospitality management or information technology will be suitable. These degrees could take from two to at least four years to earn.

In addition to these duties, a facilities coordinator may be part of the middle management or senior management team. As such, the coordinator participates in meetings with other management staff to discuss strategy and budgeting. While not all coordinators take part in these meetings, many do. This may be a small part of the job from a time perspective, but be very important when it comes to keeping the management team working as a cohesive unit.

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I have completed my MBA but now I am working as an operation coordinator in facility management company. Am I on the correct path or not? What about my career? Please advise me.


@Potterspop - Why not try for an internship in the area you're keen on? That would give you the chance to get experience and find out if it is really what you want to do.

I have a couple of friends who work in corporate event planning and they share similar personality characteristics. Being outgoing is of course important, as is a good work ethic, organisational skills and being able to pay attention to detail.

But perhaps the most crucial thing is how you relate to others. Excellent people management skills are essential. A lot of the job is going to be about dealing with various workers, who may not have the same motivation as you. Then there are the clients to keep happy too.

An alternative plan would be to take a part time job at the ground level, working for someone else will give you a different kind of insight into what a facilities manager does.


I'm very interested in working as an event planner or in some type of faciliies coordinator job. My only definite condition is that it must be something with variety. I would hate to be stuck doing the same things day in and day out.

The educational requirements mentioned are no problem, but as yet I have no experience in the field. I'm wondering if my outgoing personality would be enough to get me into some kind of trainee post.


@anon150577 - As you don't mention what your other duties are I can only answer based on the one thing you wrote about.

In my company, facilities management includes employing and supervising domestic and security staff, as well as dealing with contractors and deliveries. If you work for a smaller business you may have to do some of these duties yourself I suppose.

What you are doing sounds in line with both a facility coordinator's job description and your educational background.


I am a Facility coordinator, one of my duties is the access control and security of the company. I have an Associate's degree in security and management. my question is, is the position name correct with my job description? thanks.

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