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What is a VOIP Dialer?

A. Leverkuhn
A. Leverkuhn

A VoIP dialer is a dialing assistance device that uses Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP technology to manage multiple phone calls. VoIP is an innovative new way to communicate that replaces traditional telephony methods with a digitized signal. In VoIP, the analog signal is made digital for transfer, then “unpacked” at its destination.

VoIP services often make the analog signal into digital ‘packets’ that are sent via broadband to a recipient. The reverse process at the end point of the call turns the packets back into sound. VoIP has some big advantages over the traditional Publicly Switched Telephony Network or PSTN.

VoIP services often make the analog signal into digital ‘packets’ that are sent via broadband to a recipient.
VoIP services often make the analog signal into digital ‘packets’ that are sent via broadband to a recipient.

Businesses and corporations began using VoIP for communications for a variety of reasons. One is that the client can make multiple calls over the same broadband connection. Another is the low cost of sending packets over the Internet, as opposed to buying telephone minutes from a phone utility company. Yet another big benefit of VoIP is that its digital methodology can be upgraded and enhanced by conventional coding.

A VoIP dialer helps utilize the power of VoIP for a large number of calls. Different types of VoIP dialer applications work in different ways. A dialer can be a tool for automatically dialing a long list of digitized phone numbers, or it can be a more active call screening device. A smart VoIP dialer can actually make calls and screen them for a human to answer. These kinds of tools can vastly decrease the time a professional caller spends in between calls.

VoIP dialers and other applications use audio codecs for making sure communications are compatible for successful transmission. One example of a popular form of VoIP is a “softphone.” A softphone is an application for making calls with a computer rather than using traditional hardware like receivers and handsets. The softphone may include a VoIP dialer application for easy call origination.

Softphones and dialers that work with VoIP often use SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) as an audio codec to provide compatibility. Other audio codecs are used with various kinds of programs that take advantage of VoIP for standard telephone communications. The audio codec may work with outside programs to give it more versatility in use.

Generally, VoIP offers a way for businesses to integrate their telecom equipment with other software programs for a better SOA or Service Oriented Architecture. An SOA is a strategy for streamlining all of the digital processes of a business. Lots of business leaders are finding that VoIP assists in putting all of their technology needs into one easily administrated system.

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    • VoIP services often make the analog signal into digital ‘packets’ that are sent via broadband to a recipient.
      By: corund
      VoIP services often make the analog signal into digital ‘packets’ that are sent via broadband to a recipient.