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What is Employee Satisfaction?

Jessica Ellis
Jessica Ellis
Jessica Ellis
Jessica Ellis

Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their jobs and working environment. Keeping morale high can be of tremendous benefit to any company, as happy workers are more likely to produce more, take fewer days off, and stay loyal to the company. There are many factors involved in improving or maintaining high satisfaction rates, which wise employers would do well to implement.

To measure employee satisfaction, many companies do mandatory surveys or face-to-face meetings with employees to gain information. Both of these tactics have pros and cons, and they should be used carefully. Surveys are often anonymous, allowing workers more freedom to be honest without fear of repercussion. Interviews with company management can feel intimidating, but if done correctly, they can let the worker know that his voice has been heard and concerns addressed by those in charge. Surveys and meetings can often get to the center of the data surrounding employee morale, and they can be great tools to identify specific problems.

Employee satisfaction is sometimes evaluated through face-to-face meetings, or through a survey.
Employee satisfaction is sometimes evaluated through face-to-face meetings, or through a survey.

Many experts believe that one of the best ways to maintain satisfaction is to make workers feel like part of a family or team. Holding office events, such as parties or group outings, can help build close bonds among employees. Many companies also participate in team-building retreats that are designed to strengthen the working relationships in a non-work related setting. Camping trips, paintball wars and guided backpacking trips are versions of this type of team-building strategy, with which many employers have found success.

Fostering a team spirit in the work place is good for employee morale.
Fostering a team spirit in the work place is good for employee morale.

Of course, few workers will not experience a boost in morale after receiving more money. Raises and bonuses can seriously affect employee satisfaction, and should be given when possible. Money cannot solve all morale issues, however, and if a company with widespread problems for workers cannot improve its overall environment, a bonus may be quickly forgotten as the daily stress of an unpleasant job continues to mount.

Events such as office parties may contribute to employee satisfaction.
Events such as office parties may contribute to employee satisfaction.

If possible, companies should provide amenities to their workers. They should make certain that employees have a comfortable, clean break room with basic necessities such as running water. Facilities such as bathrooms must be kept clean and stocked with supplies. While an air of professionalism is necessary for most businesses, allowing workers to keep family photos or small trinkets on their desks can make them feel more comfortable and nested at their workstation. Basic considerations like these can improve satisfaction, as workers will feel cared for by their employers.

Companies sometimes participate in team-building retreats.
Companies sometimes participate in team-building retreats.

The backbone of employee satisfaction is respect for workers and the job they perform. In every interaction with management, employees should be treated with courtesy and interest. An easy avenue for employees to discuss problems with upper management should be opened and carefully monitored. Even if management cannot meet all the demands of employees, showing workers that they are being heard and putting honest dedication into compromising will often help to improve morale.

Jessica Ellis
Jessica Ellis

With a B.A. in theater from UCLA and a graduate degree in screenwriting from the American Film Institute, Jessica is passionate about drama and film. She has many other interests, and enjoys learning and writing about a wide range of topics in her role as a WiseGEEK writer.

Jessica Ellis
Jessica Ellis

With a B.A. in theater from UCLA and a graduate degree in screenwriting from the American Film Institute, Jessica is passionate about drama and film. She has many other interests, and enjoys learning and writing about a wide range of topics in her role as a WiseGEEK writer.

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Discussion Comments


Traditional surveys alone tend to lead to comments on management, the organization, etc., rather than on finding out what would help the employees be more satisfied, and by association, more engaged and productive.

Don’t get me wrong. These are all good ideas to think about, but the truth is that, unless employees are invited and encouraged to give feedback as to what their individual needs are, they are unlikely to feel valued beyond, “Oh look, management is trying to appease me by doing XYZ”.

When employees feel they are responsible for and are taking ownership of the quality of their own work life, they are much more likely to be engaged, and by association, more productive. Once they stop asking, “What is management going to do for me?” and instead recognize their needs and work towards getting those needs met, they will become highly motivated.

You don’t need to fully understand Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to realize that employees who feel valued and are trusted to take ownership and accountability for producing results, are more open to all forms of communication, can manage their differences and will achieve self-actualization at work and be your company’s leaders.


Surveys are excellent to get the feedback. But they can go more than that if management uses them wisely. The point is surveys should be taken and without failure the results should be shared and actions should be taken based on the outcomes. Without action, they become a management overhead task and a mere piece of paper. They can also be linked to appraisals (see Time Merlin) and eventually result in better organization and happier employees.


Employee satisfaction is a main function of the HR Department in a company. It's also a challenge for management as well as a significant factor in order to maintain good employee relations. This information is really helpful to me and my research. -Sudhin H.


Great share, thanks for that information.

While I was looking for any way to make money online, a friend of mine told me about paid surveys. I tried that and I can tell that this is one of the fastest and easiest for people to start making money online. The good thing is that you don't need any skills and you can start today. Most of the sites want you to pay them for registration, but I found one absolutely free site.


what is customer satisfaction?


I work in the hospital system as an RN. We are worked to the bone. Surveys are worthless as no one heeds the comments. There is never any thanks but even if there was, conditions won't change so how do health professionals gain staff satisfaction in a lose lose lose situation - except maybe keep searching for that 'perfect' health job.


In my previous job, the management did an employee satisfaction survey every year or so ... then ignored it. There were always salary complaints, of course, but I know that there were other issues outlined in these surveys that needed to be addressed. Considering communication always ranked low in employee satisfaction, maybe I shouldn't be too surprised.

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