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What is Job Readiness Training?

B. Miller
B. Miller

Job readiness training is skill training that is given on the job, either prior to starting a new job, or to brush up on skills for a job one already has. This type of training allows employees to feel confident when starting a new job, as well as helps to prevent any potentially costly or dangerous mistakes. Job readiness training is typically provided by the company directly, and is often a requirement for all employees.

Job readiness training can consist of a few different things. Usually, skills training helps employees to develop or fine-tune the skills they will use on the job. For instance, an employee might be trained on how to use a cash register, how to use a certain computer software program, or how to operate machinery that they will use regularly, just to name a few. Certain skills, such as operating a forklift or cleaning up hazardous materials, may require re-certification every year for safety purposes.

A computer support specialist may train unemployed people to use computers more efficiently in their job search.
A computer support specialist may train unemployed people to use computers more efficiently in their job search.

Job readiness training also frequently includes safety training. Safe working practices, as well as the procedures to follow in various incidents, are all covered in safety training. This type of training is often required by law. In both types of training classes, job readiness and safety procedures, employees may be required to take and pass an exam at the end of the class to be sure they understand the material. If they do not pass, they must take the class again until they succeed.

An individual may seek job readiness training to lead to a job with a good salary and benefits package.
An individual may seek job readiness training to lead to a job with a good salary and benefits package.

While job readiness training in the past used to require another employee to provide the instruction, now much of it can be done on the computer. Employees can read the information, watch videos, and answer test questions completely on the computer, and their results can then be saved by the human resources department. They can then be easily notified if they need to take a new class or brush up on certain job readiness skills.

Skills training helps employees to develop or fine-tune the skills they will use on the job.
Skills training helps employees to develop or fine-tune the skills they will use on the job.

Job readiness training is an important aspect of starting any new job, and it is important to take the classes seriously. In nearly all cases, new employees are paid for the training period, whether or not they continue employment with the company. In addition, making sure to maintain job knowledge and any necessary certifications demonstrates to employers that one is responsible and serious about the job, and may indicate that one is a good candidate for any possible promotions that may come up.

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Employers are wise to require potential hires to attend job readiness training. The training should be "hands on" as much as possible. Of course, some of the general information can be given by an instructor or on video.

But to learn the actual duties that one will need,

either shadowing an experienced employee, or learning by simulation, for example a cash register or computer, is very valuable. People learn so much faster and remember if they actually "learn by doing."


@Charred - I agree; the wage jobs require more training, but it's usually not too hard. In salaried professions they expect you to pick up a lot of things on your own and through your own initiative rather than relying on formal training. Whether that’s right or wrong I don’t know, it’s just the way it is.

During times of unemployment, however, the best thing that anyone can do is participate in workforce readiness programs. These programs cannot teach you highly specialized skills that would normally require formal coursework, but they can help you get familiar with computers and general office productivity applications as an example.

I think it’s also important that job candidates make sure that they’re communication skills are sharp too; this can often make or break an interview for a candidate.


@hamje32 - In my opinion skills training tends to be more prevalent in wage type jobs, like using a cash register or things like that, rather than in salaried professions.

For example, my daughter recently got a job working as a waitress in a local Sushi restaurant. The pace can get to be kind of hectic, but what throws her off is serving alcoholic drinks.

She doesn’t drink, so when people request that they want a certain drink made a certain way she doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It’s not that she simply needs to learn the menu – she needs to learn the whole lingo of bartending.

I told her to sit down with the manager and have him explain it to her. This is where training is absolutely essential in my opinion.


I totally believe in the importance of job readiness training for existing employees. I think when you take into account the amount of time invested in proper training of employees versus the amount of time wasted through not understanding how to do a job well, it makes perfect sense.

The problem is, not every company implements training. I was thrown into a support position not long after starting in my current job, and I had absolutely no training.

It’s a small business, so you are expected to pick things up on your own. My supervisors continually told me that they didn’t have time to train. However, I wasted a lot of time asking them questions when I couldn’t do support as well as I can now.

I think they did have the time, just not the commitment. A shrewd manager realizes that training is an investment, not a distraction.


@lonelygod - I am glad to hear the the job readiness training helped you. I am recently unemployed as well and have been struggling to match my employment skills with something that is actually available. I am afraid I have been coming up short though.

I think that the government should put more effort into job placement training so that the people who are willing to work can get their foot in the door with a new sector. It is really tough when your current skills don't seem to match anything out there. I suppose that's why there are so many people with degrees working in customer service.


There are so many places that offer job readiness programs that it is a good idea to get out there and take advantage of them. My local unemployment office is always giving free job training and I think it is making a big difference in the community.

When I was unemployed I really struggled with finding my way into a new industry, as mine was now closed to me. I did factory work and manufacturing jobs just aren't what they once were. I took some free classes and managed to get myself in with a business that needed someone with a bit of mechanical know-how.

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