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What is Maintenance Management?

Cassie L. Damewood
Cassie L. Damewood

Maintenance management is a business concept that describes the successful and efficient management of maintenance issues involved in the upkeep, operation and productivity of a factory, manufacturing facility or plant. A maintenance manager's goal is to increase productivity and profits through improved operations. The major areas of maintenance management focus include fleet or vehicle maintenance, production operations, ecological concerns, inventory control, quality assurance and outsourcing options.

Maintaining a company’s vehicles on a prescribed schedule is important. Following preventive maintenance guidelines and keeping warranties up to date are generally good practices. Adhering to these schedules can save a company money in repair costs and improve the overall safety of the fleet crew.

Some maintenance managers may oversee inventory control in a warehouse environment.
Some maintenance managers may oversee inventory control in a warehouse environment.

Production operations can frequently be improved and become more profitable if they are outsourced. Fair and careful review of material and labor costs can be advantageous. Determining if labor can be more efficiently allocated to different departments can often eliminate the need for increased staffing.

Maintenance managers often are involved in regular reviews and discussions of ecological and environmental topics regulated by governing agencies. As guidelines change, it is generally more profitable to be prepared for what the next level of rules will likely require for compliance. Maintaining a safe, clean and healthy work environment normally facilitates the implementation of environmental improvements.

Determining if labor can be more efficiently allocated to different departments can often eliminate the need for increased staffing.
Determining if labor can be more efficiently allocated to different departments can often eliminate the need for increased staffing.

Outstanding inventory management is usually necessary to operate a profitable business. An up-to-date and properly stocked supply of parts and goods reduces overhead and frees up physical space that could likely be better utilized. A plant’s overall efficiency is commonly improved when its inventory is professionally maintained.

Accurately assessing the finer points of maintenance is generally important to efficient management. Precise and timely data collection is important to correctly pinpoint problem areas and develop workable solutions. Performance status typically needs unbiased review and creative input on how it can be improved.

Although it often seems logical for all fleet maintenance to be performed in-house, impartial analysis often proves otherwise. Reviewing and analyzing maintenance outsourcing options can be helpful exercises. Keeping in mind that efficiency is the goal is important in assessing the benefits of outsourcing.

All aspects of maintenance management should concentrate on efficiency, quality and profitability. A facility’s success depends on its principals’ abilities to objectively identify problem areas. An equally balanced approach to solutions is generally the best path to achieving the desired goals.

The maintenance department is often where a company spends the bulk of its overhead budget. Adjusting business approaches and philosophies can significantly reduce these maintenance management costs. Recent breakthroughs in maintenance technology can also help improve profit margins.

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Discussion Comments


@Markerrag -- Very true, particularly since trucking companies operate on very thin margins. Rates are cut to the bone because of all the competition, and a lot of pricey repairs and the like can turn a profitable operation into one that's losing money like crazy almost overnight.

But maintenance guys are trucking companies aren't the only ones critical to their companies. In many ways, your favorite information technology professional is a maintenance manager.

No, that is not a stretch. Think about the trouble that comes with a bunch of computers on a network that loses Internet connectivity all sudden like. Without proper care and maintenance, that unpleasant scenario can become a reality in a hurry.


The maintenance manager is often the most important cat in a trucking company. That is because trucks aren't making money if they aren't running. Preventative maintenance is critical because working on diesel engines is expensive. Also, trucks that aren't maintained can get rotten gas mileage and that can eat into profits as more fuel than counted on is needed to power that truck.

When it comes to trucking, the drivers get all the attention but the maintenance guys (and gals) are the ones that keep the operation running.

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