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What Should I Consider When Writing my Resume Objective?

Phil Shepley
Phil Shepley

The resume objective is often one of the most powerful parts of a resume. It usually summarizes the position that the job seeker is applying for as well as his or her main qualifications for that job. There are several things to consider when writing an effective resume objective.

The main consideration for writing the resume objective is realizing that this seemingly simple portion of the resume will be one of the first things a prospective employer will see about the job seeker. It is important, then, to use it show a level of professionalism by emphasizing main qualifications that are relevant to the position that is being applied for with well thought out sentence structure. Another consideration when writing a resume objective is to be sure to list some career goals that will allow the hiring party to see beyond past experience.

A resume should include a person's work history and education.
A resume should include a person's work history and education.

Yet another major consideration when writing a resume objective is knowing the audience and tailoring the objective to them. For example, the resume might be received by a human resources department, or it could be read first by the head of a company, depending on the size of the organization. These two different audiences may require different styles. It is also important to try to write qualifications that match what the reader might be looking for in a prospective employee.

Resume objectives typically summarizes the position that the job seeker is applying for as well as his or her main qualifications for that job.
Resume objectives typically summarizes the position that the job seeker is applying for as well as his or her main qualifications for that job.

When the hiring party reads the resume objective, they are often confused because the statement is simply too vague. It is very important that the objective is written with specific descriptions and qualifications rather than “cookie cutter” information that can be used when applying for any position. A good way to be sure that the resume objective is more specific is to heavily research the position that is being applied for and build the objective on specific content discovered in the research.

Finally, when writing a resume objective, it is important to use correct grammar and plenty of strong action verbs, which can include words like designed, managed, organized and many others. Again, this is often the first part of the resume that an employer might see, and would probably reject upon finding typos or other grammatical errors.

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I am working in the IT field. Competition is very high. How do I write objectives in my resume?


@PelesTears - If you decide to go with an objective you can find resume objective samples online. They will usually begin with a targeted statement of purpose and bolster it by stating the skill which the job seeker possesses that qualifies them for that kind of position.

I believe the fewer the words the better in this regard, as long as your objective is definite and your qualifications are clearly stated.


@SkyWhisperer - Resume objective statements are optional, regardless of the profession you’re in. What is not optional is having a resume that communicates any sense of direction or purpose. In this way, every resume should be about a theme, and for that reason every resume should tailored to the company you’re applying for, despite the extra time involved in doing this.

Tailoring your resume may involve tweaking your objective, if you have one, and this would be one way to ensure that you position yourself as relevant to the position being applied for.


@PelesTears - In the industry I am in (Information Technology), a resume objective is recommended. That is because whether the economy is doing well or not, information technology is rapidly changing. Employers want to know what skill sets you possess and where you intend to go, given that the average programmer may not last with any one company for more than two years at best.

Good resume objectives will give them a clear sense of your career trajectory and help them know if you’re a good fit for the company. Remember, you’re not trying to sneak into a company by casting the widest possible net. You want to be a good fit for the company, and you want them to be the best fit for you.


In a tough market it may be best to forego a resume objective and simply showcase your strengths. A resume objective can be helpful if the market is not very competitive, or if you are a specialist in a certain field. In a competitive job market, where employers are selective and hundreds or maybe thousands are vying for the same job, it may be wise to show that you have utility and are willing to take on multiple roles. In this type of situation, a resume objective can have the effect of portraying you as a role player instead of a superstar. However, if the job market is competitive and you really want to use an objective in your resume, make sure it can distinguish you from the competition. Your objective is the first thing that an employer will see after your name, so you want your objective statement to be impactful; leaving a lasting impression.

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